Keaton and I just got back from the Pediatrician. They think he has a virus- there are a lot going around- and it should run its course in the next day or so. We are supposed to come back if his fever isn't gone by mid-week. I'm glad we went, just so I could be certain it wasn't an ear infection or any other nasty thing. He didn't even have a fever when we went- isn't that always the case? Kids feel better when they go in for a sick visit, and the parents look paranoid. Well, I'd rather be paranoid (and I fully admit that I am!) than find out that he got worse because we didn't take him to get checked. I think it's $20 well spent for a copay, darn it.
Not much else is going on around here. Mr. K is napping (thank goodness.. he really needed it!) and I just got done eating lunch. I have plenty to do around this place, although it could look a lot worse.
I canceled my second photo session tonight at the salon since Keaton is sick, so hopefully I'll be able to do it one night this week instead. I just don't want to leave the house if he's not feeling well- he seems to prefer being in my arms when he doesn't feel well. I think I prefer it, too, because then I know how he's doing all the time and don't have to keep going in to check on him or staring at the video monitor. Casey has his own things going on with the computer he's building and various things that aren't working, so I would rather focus my attention on Keaton and let Case figure out what's going on with his stuff. I know he will be much more relaxed and happy when that all gets worked out. And I will be when Keaton feels better and we can get a decent night sleep again. Last night was not one of those times! He was awake at least once an hour, so I finally brought him out on the couch with me around 1:30 and finally got him to settle down around 2 or a little later. He moans and groans when he has a fever, and between that and the coughing, he didn't get much sleep at all. I propped him up next to me and I think we got about 2.5-3 hours of sleep before he woke up again at 5:45. No fun for anyone in the Hetrick household.
In other news, KU beat Illinois last night so we are headed to the Sweet 16! That made the night a little better, for me at least. We play again at the end of the week. I can't help but get a bit nervous/anxious during this time of year; every game makes my blood pressure rise. I just want to see another Championship game and not have to hear about how the team 'chokes' in the early rounds. Some people on Facebook can be pretty harsh (not you, Chelsea!) and it takes all my energy not to say something to them or block them completely when they start the trash talk... but I normally stay out of it and just fume in silence. I get tired of hearing how KU fans are not classy and how we throw things in other teams faces. I think everyone does it the same- KU fans are no exception. Anyway, I am glad the team pulled through last night, with an amazing performance by the Morris twins! They were pretty spectacular.
I should go be productive now. More later!
Monday, March 21, 2011
Saturday, March 19, 2011
First fever.
Well, I knew this would happen eventually... Keaton has his first fever. I am glad he's gone 13 months without one- I think we got pretty lucky so far... hopefully he has his Daddy's immune system. Last night when we took his temperature it was around 99, and it basically went away this morning, so we decided to go out and run errands. He was in a good mood and doing fine until this evening, and his fever went up again. When I took it about an hour and a half ago, it was at 101. He's been moaning and rolling around a lot in his crib. I hope this doesn't last long... I hate seeing him like this. There really isn't much I can do, which sucks because all I want to do is fix him. Poor baby boy. Hopefully the ibuprofen and sleep will get him back to his 'old' self soon. He's been coughing a little bit, but not consistently. Not really any other symptoms to speak of, which is why we haven't called the Pediatrician yet. Again, I hope this is over soon!
In other, happier news, I am watching my husband act like a kid on Christmas morning as he builds his 'dream computer'. We went with him today to pick up various parts for it. I really wish I liked going to places like CompUSA and other computer/electronic stores... really, I just wish someone would knock me out so I didn't have to walk up and down aisles of computer parts. But watching Casey right now makes it worth it. He is in a perpetually awesome mood because he is so excited to build this thing. He had fun telling our neighbor Rob about it, who works on computers for a living. He and Case were speaking another language entirely while talking about it... apparently Case made some great decisions about it because the neighbor is pretty stoked to check it out. All I care about is that Case is happy and gets what he wants. He's wanted to build a computer like this for almost a year now, and has been doing hours and hours of research (maybe even days at this rate) to find out exactly what he wants. I look forward to the final result.
I got something fun today, too. A very large piece of White chocolate macadamia nut cheesecake from The Cheesecake Factory. That made my day. Nuff said.
Well, I guess that's all for now, but hopefully I'll have better news about Mr. K soon. I'm going to go check on him again. I have a feeling it's going to be another night of swiss cheese sleep for me... I just can't sleep knowing he's sick. (Sigh).
In other, happier news, I am watching my husband act like a kid on Christmas morning as he builds his 'dream computer'. We went with him today to pick up various parts for it. I really wish I liked going to places like CompUSA and other computer/electronic stores... really, I just wish someone would knock me out so I didn't have to walk up and down aisles of computer parts. But watching Casey right now makes it worth it. He is in a perpetually awesome mood because he is so excited to build this thing. He had fun telling our neighbor Rob about it, who works on computers for a living. He and Case were speaking another language entirely while talking about it... apparently Case made some great decisions about it because the neighbor is pretty stoked to check it out. All I care about is that Case is happy and gets what he wants. He's wanted to build a computer like this for almost a year now, and has been doing hours and hours of research (maybe even days at this rate) to find out exactly what he wants. I look forward to the final result.
I got something fun today, too. A very large piece of White chocolate macadamia nut cheesecake from The Cheesecake Factory. That made my day. Nuff said.
Well, I guess that's all for now, but hopefully I'll have better news about Mr. K soon. I'm going to go check on him again. I have a feeling it's going to be another night of swiss cheese sleep for me... I just can't sleep knowing he's sick. (Sigh).
Wednesday, March 16, 2011
I just spent a solid hour reading various friends' blogs and Facebook stalking to see what people are up to. I'm not entirely certain why, but it hit me... people post on Facebook, and blog, and Tweet, because we thrive on feedback. Or maybe just hearing ourselves 'talk'. Either way, we hope someone out there is going to read what we write, and while positive feedback is normally preferred, some of us will take what we can get.
I am no exception. It's like Christmas for me when someone comments on a post or photo. I'd like to think that I don't fish for comments, but occasionally I will find myself contemplating for a ridiculous amount of time about what to write in my status update, thinking about the feedback I might get from it. For this reason, I have considered making a Twitter account recently. I realize this is probably a terrible idea for several reasons... there are plenty of things I should be doing instead. I am already involved in enough junk online. But the idea of people actually 'following' me, and being somewhat interested in what I'm saying, makes it very tempting. I talk myself out of it on a regular basis because I am convinced that only certain people can stomach comments about Keaton, the weather, etc., before they block or un-friend me. But there's another part of me that wants to write out the random thoughts I have to see if anyone else can relate. Are we all just trying to feel 'normal'? Maybe that's why I do it... I'm not sure.
There are people in the world like Charlie Sheen who are insane, and society thrives off watching/listening to him become even more of a train-wreck... that's why he broke the world record for most Twitter followers in the least amount of time. But he is famous- something I never hope to be. Do people care what he's saying? Probably not- they just want to hear him rattle off crazy stuff. But he is doing it because he thrives off feedback, too. Did I just compare myself to Charlie Sheen? I'll let you be the judge. (Keep in mind, positive feedback is preferred...) ;)
Alright, that's enough for one day.
I am no exception. It's like Christmas for me when someone comments on a post or photo. I'd like to think that I don't fish for comments, but occasionally I will find myself contemplating for a ridiculous amount of time about what to write in my status update, thinking about the feedback I might get from it. For this reason, I have considered making a Twitter account recently. I realize this is probably a terrible idea for several reasons... there are plenty of things I should be doing instead. I am already involved in enough junk online. But the idea of people actually 'following' me, and being somewhat interested in what I'm saying, makes it very tempting. I talk myself out of it on a regular basis because I am convinced that only certain people can stomach comments about Keaton, the weather, etc., before they block or un-friend me. But there's another part of me that wants to write out the random thoughts I have to see if anyone else can relate. Are we all just trying to feel 'normal'? Maybe that's why I do it... I'm not sure.
There are people in the world like Charlie Sheen who are insane, and society thrives off watching/listening to him become even more of a train-wreck... that's why he broke the world record for most Twitter followers in the least amount of time. But he is famous- something I never hope to be. Do people care what he's saying? Probably not- they just want to hear him rattle off crazy stuff. But he is doing it because he thrives off feedback, too. Did I just compare myself to Charlie Sheen? I'll let you be the judge. (Keep in mind, positive feedback is preferred...) ;)
Alright, that's enough for one day.
Quick Update
My "conversation" with Keaton yesterday:
Me: "What does a doggy say?"
Keaton: "Woof" (or something like it)
Me: "What does the wind say?"
Keaton: "Whooossshhh" (mostly blowing air out of his mouth)
Me: "What does Mommy say?"
Keaton: "Huh uh."
LOL... smart kid. I feel like all I do is say 'No' or 'Huh Uh' these days... he's into EVERYTHING! Today he threw a fit because I took something away from him... he is very independent and opinionated lately! He has also decided that he is scared of the bathtub/taking a bath. He did just fine at swimming today, so I have a feeling I freaked him out when I put that bubble machine in the tub last week. Dang it!! I tried bathing him last night and he wouldn't sit down and held onto me for dear life. Hopefully this will pass soon! Today he figured out how to unroll the toilet paper in the bathroom. I can't help but laugh right now... it is a little frustrating sometimes, but the kid is learning tons of things and it's fun to watch him become more independent. Usually.
I know I have a ton of things to update, but I just spent the last hour uploading photos I took yesterday at my Salon for their new website. I just sent them to get feedback... hopefully they like them! It's been awhile since I've taken pics and I always get a little anxious beforehand. Anyway, if they like them, I'll be going back soon to take pictures of the employees. I get a free haircut out of the deal! :-D
That's all for now. Mr. K should wake up soon and hopefully we'll make it to see our friends at the park at 2. Today is BEAUTIFUL outside... can't wait to go get some Vitamin D!! :-D
Me: "What does a doggy say?"
Keaton: "Woof" (or something like it)
Me: "What does the wind say?"
Keaton: "Whooossshhh" (mostly blowing air out of his mouth)
Me: "What does Mommy say?"
Keaton: "Huh uh."
LOL... smart kid. I feel like all I do is say 'No' or 'Huh Uh' these days... he's into EVERYTHING! Today he threw a fit because I took something away from him... he is very independent and opinionated lately! He has also decided that he is scared of the bathtub/taking a bath. He did just fine at swimming today, so I have a feeling I freaked him out when I put that bubble machine in the tub last week. Dang it!! I tried bathing him last night and he wouldn't sit down and held onto me for dear life. Hopefully this will pass soon! Today he figured out how to unroll the toilet paper in the bathroom. I can't help but laugh right now... it is a little frustrating sometimes, but the kid is learning tons of things and it's fun to watch him become more independent. Usually.
I know I have a ton of things to update, but I just spent the last hour uploading photos I took yesterday at my Salon for their new website. I just sent them to get feedback... hopefully they like them! It's been awhile since I've taken pics and I always get a little anxious beforehand. Anyway, if they like them, I'll be going back soon to take pictures of the employees. I get a free haircut out of the deal! :-D
That's all for now. Mr. K should wake up soon and hopefully we'll make it to see our friends at the park at 2. Today is BEAUTIFUL outside... can't wait to go get some Vitamin D!! :-D
Friday, March 11, 2011
The End
... of winter (I hope!), a crappy week (for Dr. Hetrick), and nursing.
Keaton and I went to the park this afternoon. The temps were in the upper 40s, which is like a heat wave around here, so we took full advantage. Keaton got to swing and play on a few of the little kid's toys, and also got to play with bubbles, which made he and his friend Nolan pretty happy. We came home and thawed out a bit, and then Keaton fell asleep in my arms, which never happens. He is either getting sick or growing or teething... who knows... but a few things are indicating that he is not himself right now. 1) He cried when I put him in the swing at the park. 2) He was scared of this bubble machine that we put in the bathtub that our friend Lucas had... I thought he would LOVE it, but he actually got scared enough that he refused to take a bath tonight! He never gets scared of things (besides the garbage disposal)... weird. 3) He just woke up a bit ago, about 30-45 minutes after we put him down for bed, and was pretty upset. I'm not sure if he spit up because he was crying, or cried because he spit up. Everything is a big question mark right now... so I guess we'll just wait and see how he is tomorrow. He didn't have a fever or anything, thank goodness. Hopefully he'll wake up happy so he and Case can spend some quality time together.
Case has had a pretty craptastic week so far. Things at work went from bad to worse, and it's almost like he's doing two or three people's jobs right now. Between that and meetings that run late, he goes into work around 4:30 a.m. and has not been home much before 6 each night this week, which doesn't allow him much time with Keaton. I have tried to be understanding about his schedule and time at work; I know it hasn't been easy for him. The guy works his tail off, and sometimes I think instead of people realizing that, they just take advantage of it. Here's hoping the guy gets a break in the very near future!
Finally, I had an urge to blog earlier about this topic, but I will forewarn you- it's about breastfeeding. Those of you who don't care about it or don't want to know that much information about me, please consider this the end of this entry. For the rest of you (anyone? anyone?), here is my dilemma.
I never thought I would be so attached to breastfeeding. I mean, in the non-literal sense. LOL... okay, I'm done. Anyway, since we are going to start weening Keaton in the next few weeks, I didn't realize how difficult it would be- emotionally. I will not miss the nursing tanks, or having to make sure I wear a shirt that is easier access when we go places just in case I need to feed him (which hasn't been quite an issue lately since he basically eats what we eat for breakfast, lunch, and dinner).We had such a tough time in the beginning to get him to start nursing, but once he caught on, life was so much easier!! I started to enjoy having quiet time with him, and rocking him when he woke up in the morning or before bed at night. It was like our bonding time. I guess I just never processed what it would be like NOT to nurse him anymore. I really thought we'd be done with it when he got his first tooth... now, 8 teeth later, we're still going strong. I dunno. I guess part of me (the illogical part... a big chunk) feels like for some reason he won't need me anymore. I know that's nowhere close to true, but I can't help but feel like my duties as a Mom to provide for my child have been a bit truncated. Is that as ridiculous as it sounds? Does anyone out there know what I'm talking about? I know it's not like I will suddenly fall off the face of the earth and not be important to him anymore, but the thought of this bond we have coming to an end makes me emotional. Ugh... who knows. Here I go getting all Emo on you. Sorry. Maybe it'll be just like it was at the beginning- tough, but better for both of us in the long run.
Well I guess that's enough for one day. I should probably hit the sack soon since, if this week is any indication, Mr. K will wake up at least twice tonight. I sincerely hope that my will power increases in a very short amount of time, or this is going to be tough.
Keaton and I went to the park this afternoon. The temps were in the upper 40s, which is like a heat wave around here, so we took full advantage. Keaton got to swing and play on a few of the little kid's toys, and also got to play with bubbles, which made he and his friend Nolan pretty happy. We came home and thawed out a bit, and then Keaton fell asleep in my arms, which never happens. He is either getting sick or growing or teething... who knows... but a few things are indicating that he is not himself right now. 1) He cried when I put him in the swing at the park. 2) He was scared of this bubble machine that we put in the bathtub that our friend Lucas had... I thought he would LOVE it, but he actually got scared enough that he refused to take a bath tonight! He never gets scared of things (besides the garbage disposal)... weird. 3) He just woke up a bit ago, about 30-45 minutes after we put him down for bed, and was pretty upset. I'm not sure if he spit up because he was crying, or cried because he spit up. Everything is a big question mark right now... so I guess we'll just wait and see how he is tomorrow. He didn't have a fever or anything, thank goodness. Hopefully he'll wake up happy so he and Case can spend some quality time together.
Case has had a pretty craptastic week so far. Things at work went from bad to worse, and it's almost like he's doing two or three people's jobs right now. Between that and meetings that run late, he goes into work around 4:30 a.m. and has not been home much before 6 each night this week, which doesn't allow him much time with Keaton. I have tried to be understanding about his schedule and time at work; I know it hasn't been easy for him. The guy works his tail off, and sometimes I think instead of people realizing that, they just take advantage of it. Here's hoping the guy gets a break in the very near future!
Finally, I had an urge to blog earlier about this topic, but I will forewarn you- it's about breastfeeding. Those of you who don't care about it or don't want to know that much information about me, please consider this the end of this entry. For the rest of you (anyone? anyone?), here is my dilemma.
I never thought I would be so attached to breastfeeding. I mean, in the non-literal sense. LOL... okay, I'm done. Anyway, since we are going to start weening Keaton in the next few weeks, I didn't realize how difficult it would be- emotionally. I will not miss the nursing tanks, or having to make sure I wear a shirt that is easier access when we go places just in case I need to feed him (which hasn't been quite an issue lately since he basically eats what we eat for breakfast, lunch, and dinner).We had such a tough time in the beginning to get him to start nursing, but once he caught on, life was so much easier!! I started to enjoy having quiet time with him, and rocking him when he woke up in the morning or before bed at night. It was like our bonding time. I guess I just never processed what it would be like NOT to nurse him anymore. I really thought we'd be done with it when he got his first tooth... now, 8 teeth later, we're still going strong. I dunno. I guess part of me (the illogical part... a big chunk) feels like for some reason he won't need me anymore. I know that's nowhere close to true, but I can't help but feel like my duties as a Mom to provide for my child have been a bit truncated. Is that as ridiculous as it sounds? Does anyone out there know what I'm talking about? I know it's not like I will suddenly fall off the face of the earth and not be important to him anymore, but the thought of this bond we have coming to an end makes me emotional. Ugh... who knows. Here I go getting all Emo on you. Sorry. Maybe it'll be just like it was at the beginning- tough, but better for both of us in the long run.
Well I guess that's enough for one day. I should probably hit the sack soon since, if this week is any indication, Mr. K will wake up at least twice tonight. I sincerely hope that my will power increases in a very short amount of time, or this is going to be tough.
Bumming Around
I am currently being a bum and uploading videos to YouTube. My username is lilbitfromks13 if anyone wants to look it up. I am trying to get all my videos in one place so it'll take awhile to upload them, but I have so many that I wanted to share! I really should be doing something more productive. Keaton's napping right now so I figured instead of cleaning like I've tried to do the rest of the week, I would sit here, watch TV, and upload videos. Man, I am pathetic.
I will say I've been glued to the TV this morning since I found out about the 8.9 earthquake in Japan- I have a lot of friends there that I haven't heard from and am worried about. Hopefully they are all okay... it is devastating. At least with a hurricane or typhoon you know it's coming, but an earthquake is one incredible, unpredictable force of nature. Scary, scary stuff.
Today is supposed to be beautiful here... finally... so I think my friend Kelley, her son Nolan, and Mr. K and I will head to the park later. I sure hope this means Spring is coming soon!!
I will say I've been glued to the TV this morning since I found out about the 8.9 earthquake in Japan- I have a lot of friends there that I haven't heard from and am worried about. Hopefully they are all okay... it is devastating. At least with a hurricane or typhoon you know it's coming, but an earthquake is one incredible, unpredictable force of nature. Scary, scary stuff.
Today is supposed to be beautiful here... finally... so I think my friend Kelley, her son Nolan, and Mr. K and I will head to the park later. I sure hope this means Spring is coming soon!!
Tuesday, March 8, 2011
Proud Mama
Not entirely sure why, but right now, this minute, I have this overwhelming sense of joy and pride for my child. I am so proud to be his Mom, and so excited to watch him grow up right before my eyes. Yesterday he took his first step, and today he stood (a few times) without support. He also brushed his own hair! I love to hear him chatter to himself and watch him point to things to identify what he wants or where something is. He is just such a neat little kid. It all sounds cheesy when I write it out, but I really don't know if the English language can satisfy me when it comes to trying to describe how I feel about Keaton. He is just a wonderful, smart, amazing little man. I feel so lucky to be his Mom.
That's all for tonight... just had to let that out. :)
That's all for tonight... just had to let that out. :)
Monday, March 7, 2011
Baby Steps
Just wanted to write quickly and document that Keaton took a step by himself today!! He was cruising around under the dining room table (his new favorite place) and I was sitting near him, and he turned around by himself and then took a step toward me! He's getting a lot more daring these days. I wonder what I will be able to document by the end of this month...
More later!

I took this picture as it was happening, sort of by accident! Wish this was a video instead of a picture... but it's still a milestone!!
More later!
I took this picture as it was happening, sort of by accident! Wish this was a video instead of a picture... but it's still a milestone!!
Wednesday, March 2, 2011
Brain Drain
My mind right now is a mess of random thoughts. I mean, more random than normal, if that is possible.
- Keaton now says the word fish. It sounds more like "Isthhh" but it is still cute and noteworthy. He will not do it on demand right now for anyone but me, but I promise to try to get it on video somehow.
- I love Wednesdays. Keaton swims, and normally naps for well over an hour afterward. Except today. After swimming was over (at 11:30) he stayed awake until 2:30. I think we may be down to one big nap a day now. I'm a little bit sad about this because I love my naps. I am more sad because that means my little guy is growing up. I suppose I got the memo about this awhile back, but I am holding onto the idea that he's still a little baby and it's hard to let that go. It's also hard to hold onto that when he's cruising on everything and becoming so independent. I could probably do an entry just about this, but I will keep short. For now.
- Keaton listened to the birds chirping outside this morning and tried to imitate them. Sometimes I wish there could be a documentary crew around so I could be sure not to miss anything. I try to give Casey a rundown when he comes home at night, but it's just not the same.
- For the second day in a row, Keaton took his pants off while he was supposed to be napping. I can't help but laugh. I do realize that next he will figure out how to take his diaper off, which will mean future messes and probable streaking around the house. Crazy times ahead, people. LOL...
- There are too many talented people on Idol this year. I predict a girl will win this time... just not sure which one yet. I think Lauren will go far... only time will tell, though!
- It was almost 40 degrees today, so we went on a family walk around the block this evening. We had to thaw out after we got back, but it was fun to get out again. I can't wait for Spring!!!
- Charlie Sheen is a d-bag, and needs to stop talking. What a train wreck. I sincerely hope he gets help before he does something more idiotic than he already has... he's obviously done enough drugs to completely fry his brain.
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