Friday, August 17, 2012

Toddler Logic

More Keatonisms for you:
  • Casey asked Keaton if he knew how to say hello in Japanese. Keaton said, "Yes. Hello in Japanese!"
  • He started singing "Happy Cake" instead of Pat-A-Cake. 
  • He got confused and called Riese's lamb toy "Lambster". 
  • He crawled inside of Riese's crate and said, "It smells like bird poop." I had no idea bird poop had a smell! Hahaha....
  • He grabbed his rear end and said, "It's squishy."
At breakfast the other day, he was on a roll. I grabbed a scrap of paper and wrote things down as they came out of his mouth:
  • "You're not sad, right Mommy? You're happy. You're BIG happy!"
  • "Ohhhh, thank you for the waffle, Mommy! Thank you for making it for me. It is yummy in my tummy!"  
  • We were running late (as usual), and attempting to eat a quick breakfast. Keaton was playing with pieces of his waffle. K: "Look Mommy, it's a helicopter!" Me: "Buddy, you need to eat it. We need to go."  K: "I don't need to eat a helicopter." 
  • Looking at his place mat with the United States: Me: "There's North Dakota, and this one's South Dakota." K: "Where's Mississippikota?"
 I sure do love this little chatterbox. :)


Wednesday, August 15, 2012

Short & Sweet

Yesterday Keaton said, "I want everyone in the world to be happy. I want make them smile." I know people say it's not good to be a "people pleaser", but there are much worse traits my little guy could have inherited. I'm so glad he's a compassionate and caring little boy. He still asks me every day, "Mommy, are you happy?" Even if he tends to do it when he's in trouble, it's still pretty stinking cute.

I have also gotten into the habit of telling him who is singing ____ song on the radio. He really likes Red Hot Chili Peppers (I can't remember exactly what he calls them but it's funny), Smashing Pumpkins, and Green Day. Yesterday I said, "Green Day sings this song." He said, "And Red Day and Purple Day, too. Okay Mommy?"

Love it. That is all. :)

Friday, August 10, 2012


I'm trying to focus on more positive things lately, as I've hit a bit of a rough patch in... well... life. I thought I would document some things Keaton has said or done lately because I know I'll want to remember them someday.

This morning I was pretty grumpy, so I apologized to Keaton for being in a bad mood. He said, "Mommy, you not in bad mood. You are happy. [This made me smile.] Mommy, you are happy, and smiling! See? You not grumpy anymore!" LOVE this child. And he was right, I wasn't grumpy anymore.

Today he's been eating a lot. Like, all the time. This morning he said he wanted something to eat while he was eating. So this afternoon, after hearing "I want sumping eat" for about the 15th time, I said, "Keaton, where are you putting all this food?" He said, "In my mouth." Ummmm... Duh Mom!!

"Mommy, I love you more than anything... but buttons."

Keaton found a piece of dog food on the floor and thought it was poop. The funniest part about this was when he picked it up and freaked out. "It's poop!! It's poop on the floor!!" Thank goodness it wasn't!

The other night, I was holding Keaton and chatting with a neighbor about how warm it was and how pretty it had been the night before. She said, "Oh, last night was gorgeous!" Keaton chimed in, "Mommy is gorgeous today!" I think I turned 8 to 10 shades of red. :)

Strange things I have heard myself say recently:

-"Keaton, we don't color on our dog with chalk."
-"Please do not sit on your dog's head."
-"Please do not kiss my bottom." He literally did it, so yes, I had to say it. Yikes.
-My favorite, I say it almost every day: "Keaton, please do not touch your boy parts." I know someday he's going to hate that I even wrote that, but I can't help myself. I suppose that's just what boys do. Haha...

 I think that just about sums it up. So blessed to have this little guy... even when it's crazy.



Thursday, August 2, 2012

Status Updates

Because I've slacked so much at the blog lately, I thought I'd update noteworthy moments by copying/pasting my Facebook status updates over the last few weeks. Here you go!

7/15: I had just laid down to sleep and the puppy decided it was time to get up. The string of words that followed would have made my mother blush (at any time except basketball season...).

7/16: It may have taken me 30 years, but I finally realize that negative people bring negative things to your life, and I'm over that. If I want to be a better person for myself and my family, I want to be around positive people that help reinforce it. Time to grow up and move on!

7/17: I was so anxious to make coffee this morning that I spilled grounds all over the counter and the floor. Before I could clean it up, Mr. Riese decided to come "help". I am happy to report that I do not have a puppy bouncing off the walls or running figure 8s through the house... so far.

7/20: Eating breakfast outside on this cool, cloudy morning. I guess we are kind of feeding the birds, too, as Keaton is the messiest muffin eater I know. You're welcome, birds.

7/23: Watching Finding Nemo this morning, and Keaton asks, "Mommy, where is whale's bathroom?" "The whale goes potty in the ocean." "Why?" "Because that's where he lives." "He no go potty in my bathroom?" "No, sweetie." "He use my potty?" "No, sweetie." "Mommy, whale goes to bathroom outside, like Riese?" "Uhhh... yes." "Mommy, whale have big, big, big potty?" "Ummm... YES." "In my bathroom? No. In ocean, outside? Okay!" LOL... this kid kills me sometimes!

7/26: Just enrolled for Fall semester!! I hope to add another class to the roster, or I am going to be in school for the rest of my life. I guess on the bright side, at least I don't *look* like I'm the oldest student in the class... yet.

7/28: My Dad won two gold medals today in the Senior Olympics in singles and doubles bocce ball! Way to go, Pops!

7/29: My Mom said, "Yay Keaton, you won!" He looked at her, confused, and said, "No, I two."

Yesterday (8/1): You know you say something a lot (too much) when you hear your toddler say to his dog, "Riese, come out of there! I count to three. One, two, three! Thank you for listening." LOL!

Wednesday, August 1, 2012

We made it!

Keaton and I survived our first trip on commercial airlines without Casey. Keaton was so excited, and really listened well. Our first flight was so early, I decided to keep his diaper on so we didn't have any accidents in the one and only carseat. Speaking of the seat, I wasn't able to check it at the gate, so I had to drag it around Midway with me the whole time we were there. We took it slow and steady, and Keaton did great. When we were boarding the plane, a nice man offered to carry it for me, and he waited to make sure I got it installed on the plane. The man sitting next to us helped keep Keaton preoccupied while I set it up. We met some really nice people, and I was very grateful for all the help.

Keith met us at MCI, and we took a small plane back to Billard. Keaton got to sit in the co-pilot seat, which he LOVED. At one point he was apparently falling asleep, so Keith took him out and let him sit on his lap. I was apprehensive at first as I know how much Keaton likes to push buttons (especially red ones), but I relaxed and figured if he pushed a 'bad' button, I would know because the plane would act accordingly. Luckily he behaved himself... as far as I know. ;)

It was a fun a short trip home. We got quality family time, and it felt like we really got to relax and enjoy it. It wasn't jam-packed with events, which was nice. Keaton didn't sleep very well most of the time, so I was kind of a zombie in the mornings. Thank goodness for De's Keurig and Gloria Jean's Butter Toffee coffee... and the nap I took every day.

The weather was really hot, so we spent most of our time inside. Keaton enjoyed playing with Yuki, Doc, and Harley. My cousins Christy and Shayne have two dogs named Emma and Sophie that Keaton enjoyed, too. Sophie even kissed his owies when he fell down at their house. He really enjoyed cuddling with her and I look forward to the day when Riese will cuddle instead of bite!

Keaton got to go in a helicopter ride with Keith, which he absolutely loved, of course. He still talks about it. His cousin Miles got to go, too. In all, we had fun and I think even though it was a short trip, it was definitely worth it. Now we are ready for Casey to be home so we can get back to 'normal' until he leaves again.

I guess that's about it for now. Riese stayed one more night at the vet so we could get a decent night of sleep. Besides the fact that it took me the better part of an hour to get Keaton to bed last night, we both slept over 8 hours. I'll take whatever I can get!

