Thursday, August 29, 2013

6 month checkup & Keatonisms

Rowan may be the youngest, but he has passed Nik up in height and weight! Nik is 24.5 inches and 13 lbs...Rowan is 25 inches and 13 lbs 7 oz. They are finally on a growth chart! And their heads are the same size- 16.5 inches- if anyone at home is taking score.

They have this incredibly frustrating habit waking up every single hour this week, for some reason. Teething I think is the biggest reason, but they got shots yesterday, so I know they are more sensitive. Rowan also blessed me by spitting up in my hair at 4:30 this morning, so it looks like showering will be more of a priority today. Haha...

They seem to be right on track and do not have any delays that we can see right now. In fact, in most ways they are actually ahead, especially for being preemies! These two are strong and determined little guys, no doubt.

Keatonism time...

"Can we get a unicorn?"

"Is everything made with cheese?"

"Can I wear nothing to bed but my feet?"

"Can I go on the bounce-O-line?" (trampoline)

I showed him a picture of a friend's new baby. "Why did they just have one baby? I got two babies. I wanted twenty babies, though." (This is not the first time he's said this!)

Life is going, but no complaints (besides sleep deprivation). A few other notes: Keaton's school started a car line, so I don't have to get out of the car when dropping him off in the morning! It is glorious. Yesterday I wore my pajamas! No more taking the twinsout of the van. I'm lovin' it.

Keaton grew two shoe sizes since SPRING! I hope the recessive tall gene kicks in...if he keeps it up, he'll pass me up easily in elementary school!

That's all for now!


Tuesday, August 20, 2013

Six months old, and Keatonisms

I missed a ton of Keatonisms this are a few I managed to write down!

"How do we weep willow trees?"

Nana De: "Look, there's a golden retriever coming!"
Keaton: "Where's the sparklies? He's not very sparkly."

"I'm a boss. I Skype messages on my laptop."

"Little brother, I'm a doctor too, like Daddy! I'm going to go do my doctor stuff now, with my doctor things."

Also, the little ones turned six months old yesterday. SIX MONTHS OLD. They are going to be sitting up soon. Sweet little squishy men are growing like weeds. We go for their 6 month checkup next Wednesday. More stats soon!

Here are some pictures from the past week. We had a blast at the Air and water show Saturday with the Hetricks. The weather could not have been more perfect! Speaking of weather...yesterday while driving back with the boys after going to Blackberry Farm with Janine and Dawson, Keaton and I saw a dust devil in a field just off the road we were traveling on, very near our house! I posted a video on YouTube (not sure how to link it right now from my phone) but I'm sure I'll probably never be that close to one ever again. It was pretty neat!

That's all for now!

Thursday, August 15, 2013

Womb mates

We recently thought we may have screwed ourselves over by not transitioning the twins to their bassinets or cribs yet. They had been sleeping in their car seats since they came home from the NICU, because of their severe reflux. Trying to get them to sleep laying flat had proven to be very difficult at every attempt. They would wake up screaming after only 20-30 minutes. That was when we put them in separate bassinets. Last night, my genius husband thought we should put them in the same bassinet. It worked like a charm. They woke up a little more frequently to eat, but slept so much better and longer than I thought they would at all. The womb mates are back together! They just napped together and went almost an hour before waking up for lunch. Woot! Progress is a beautiful thing!


Wednesday, August 14, 2013

Words from a ranting Mom.

Now that the Keatonisms are posted for the week, I need to rant. Sorry in advance.

Let me first state the obvious. Everybody is different. Every BODY is different. Pregnancy and childbirth affect women in totally different ways.

I know I'm not alone here, but this is tough to talk about, mainly because people judge me immediately when they find out I've had twins, let alone 3 children. I carried all my boys right up front, and lost most of the baby weight fairly soon after having them. Neat. It is what it is. I didn't follow a plan, or do much, other than run around like a chicken after the babies were born. I nursed all of them, so maybe that helped the pounds come off... who knows. But I also didn't gain a whole lot of weight with them when I was pregnant.

This is not humble bragging, nor is it complaining. It is simply stating that EVERYONE IS DIFFERENT. I have had women I didn't know (and some I do) tell me they "hate" me because my body "bounced back" after having kids. Someone I know and love told me I need to have more babies because I don't look like I had any. But before you scan me up and down (especially if you don't know me) and want to know how I could possibly lose all the weight, etc... just know that it is a very awkward, delicate conversation to have with a mother. I feel guilty, and again- AWKWARD, about how I apparently look to everyone else. I simply don't know what to say. I sometimes say "Thank you." I sometimes make it just as awkward and say things like, "Yeah, well you haven't seen me naked... there is definitely proof I had three kids." Why do I care so much? Well, why does everyone else seem to? Women are a tricky breed. I feel like I have to be especially careful in what I say, because people can get so easily offended. So maybe I look "normal" again (whatever that is!). I also look tired as heck (have you seen the bags under my eyes?). Nursing twins makes you hungry as heck, almost all the time. I eat frequently. Do I eat healthy things? Nope. Not often, at least. And that will probably come back to haunt me when I visit my dentist and later in life when it has a detrimental effect on my health.

I have come to accept the fact that I am a small person. But as I always say, I am the size of a 4th grader. I don't think that's something to be jealous of! Being mistaken for a kid more often than an adult? Not so much fun. Would you be jealous of gestational diabetes and 14 weeks of bed rest? I should hope not! But it was reality for me.

Please don't read this as me trashing myself, either. I am more comfortable with myself now than I probably ever have been. There is plenty of room for improvement, but I feel confident enough to post things like this, now. I am too worried sometimes about what others think or say about me. I am learning, over time, that people who are negative do not have a place in my life, because they make me negative, too. I don't need to be in 'poisonous' relationships with people who judge me and talk about me behind my back. I've found out recently that a few people I thought were my friends fall into this category, and it's really disappointing. But I'm out of middle school (thank goodness) and am glad to move on. That doesn't mean it doesn't bug me to no end that people don't like me for really shallow reasons, but I also realize that I don't need people like that in my life anyway. Sad that it took me 30 years to figure that out, but I'm glad to have learn the lesson at all.

If anyone else out there has a good comeback for "you don't look like you've had any kids" or "I wish I looked like you after having kids"... etc... please feel free to post. Until then, I guess "thank you" will have to suffice... no matter how unsatisfying.


Words from the 3.5 year old

Keatonisms from the past week... he is officially three and a half. Time, why are you flying by?!?!?!

"When I was little, I liked Superman and Spiderman."

Listening to the radio..."I like 30 Minutes to Mars."

"You are Captain Pretty and Gorgeous, Mommy. Daddy and my brudders and me are Captain Handsome."

Me: "What would you like for dinner?"
K: "What are my options?" (he sounded so adult when he said this!)

Me, 8/12/13: "You are three and a half today. You will be four in six months."
K: "Can I get chicken nuggets for my birthday?" (As in, for his present...)

K: "I need to grow so I can drink coffee!"

Keaton asked why I changed the radio station so quickly, and I told him I didn't want him to hear bad words in the song. He told me to just tell him what the bad words are so he won't say them. Riiiiight.

Observations on the road: "Mini vans are square like dice."

In his sleep: "Mommy get me some money!" (he later told me it was for the goggles at the zoo...?)

On the phone with my parents, "Don't push the waffle button!" (#)

About his brothers: "They use baby words. I use big boy language."

Randomly and loudly as we are leaving Target: "Mommy, are we going to jail?" ???

K: "Mommy, why don't we have a dog or cat?"
Me: "We will probably get one some day, but we don't know if your brothers will be allergic to them or not." 
K: "Oh. Do you think Happy [our Betta fish] will be allergic, too?"

Tuesday, August 6, 2013


Some Keatonisms and pictures...

To me: "You have rosy cheeks because you've been running everywhere like a chicken!"

Me: "I'm going to a meeting."
Keaton: "With Dr. Suess?"

K: "Did my baby brudders break your tummy? Were they born in your lungs?"

"My brothers don't have feet to walk yet."

K: "Is it a boy or a girl fly?"
Me: "I'm not sure how to tell."
K: "Boy flies have boy parts where they go poo poo and potty, girl flies don't."

Talking about the cockpit on his new airplane toy: "Is this the cocktail?"

Sitting down next to me on the couch, with a big sigh. "I feel like I have a baby in my tummy."