Wednesday, September 4, 2013

Keatonisms and weekly catch up

Keatonisms from the last week:
Someone said he was spoiled rotten. "I'm not a spoiled robin!"

K: "Mommy, are you old?"
Me: "No, not really, buddy."
K: "But you're not young. You were never young." (?!?)

"I'll be a good Daddy sometime." (Hopefully a very, very long time from now, sir!)

About one of his brothers: "I have more teeth than him so I can say more."

To brother: "I will never leave you. I will never let you go." (This one got me a little teary eyed. He can be so sweet! Especially to his baby brothers.) I also heard him telling Nik yesterday, "I really like you, brudder."

We were talking about our neighbor Mike who just moved away to college. I told Keaton that Mike didn't live with his Mommy and Daddy anymore. He got very concerned about Mike and said, "Who are his Mommy and Daddy at college?" (Scott & Barbi, you get to answer that one. ;-))

Trying to convince Keaton that he wanted to go to sleep. Me: "Look, Snoopy is already sleep." K: "No he's not, Snoopy's eyes are always open." (I stand corrected.)

About butterflies eating nectar. "They drink connecter?!"

Keaton saw Casey making S'mores, but he couldn't remember the name so he yelled out very enthusiastically, "Yay!!.......THOSE things!"

And last but not least: We were talking about why he is hot and sweaty all the time: "Sometimes I don't wanna be a furnace, but I'm a furnace."


We officially transitioned the twins to their crib over Labor Day weekend. It was... good and bad. Bad because it's a much longer walk to get them when they wake up and are hungry or fussing.The house is also a total mess, because we had to move a bunch of things out of the office to put the crib up. Good because I got a bit better quality of sleep. Also good because, well, they are not sleeping in car seats anymore! The boys have taken turns since Saturday being the "fussy one" at night. I normally end up on the couch with one of them sleeping next to me at some point of the evening, just so I can get a decent chunk of sleep (read: more than 30 minutes). In general, Rowan can calm himself better than Nik, but Rowan has either not been feeling so great, or is going through another growth spurt/getting another tooth. He hasn't been my happy little guy as much the past few days. But, no fever or anything, so I think growing is to blame. Nik has been happier while awake, and even woke up sweet and smiling yesterday when I went to get him from his crib.They switch roles sometimes, which amuses me. And they still take turns napping more often than not, so I get to spend alone time with each of them. It's nice to bond with both separately. Rowan loves to smile, is very ticklish all over, cackles hysterically, sticks his tongue out almost all the time, and entertains himself well. Nik is more emotional, and likes to be comforted. He really loves when people pay attention to him, and lights up when he smiles. He also lights up when he realizes Casey, myself, or Keaton are looking at him, and will sometimes let out a loud squeal! He's the better eater of the two, as far as solids go. He acts like he's been eating solids for months. Rowan is more skeptical, and makes hilarious faces when trying new food. They are both sweet little men. They love playing with their big brother, and they are overjoyed when Casey comes home from work. They are starting to like their car seats a bit more (meaning they aren't crying all the time, especially at stop lights). They seem to really like going out, though, because they are almost always very good whenever we go anywhere. I'm a proud Mom- of all of my boys. Seeing Keaton become a big brother has brought out an even more amazing side of him. I'm enjoying this crazy season of our lives!

Busy month ahead... I'll try to keep up the weekly updates!
