Tuesday, January 28, 2014

Weekly Keatonisms

Is it really Keatonism Tuesday again? The kiddo has had a fever for the last four days. Here's hoping Healthy Keaton shows up soon! I miss that guy.

"My head grew, but my shirt didn't."

"What color is your brain? I know, your brain is black. Mine is gray."

Me: "You're a smart kid!"
K: "Thanks! You're a smart Mommy."

"Some kids are great, some are not great."

The Star Wars obsession continues. He's never even seen the movie, but he can talk for hours and ask millions of questions about "Dark Vader" and "Obi Wan Cannoli".

Sunday, January 26, 2014

Down with the sickness

I guess I'm coming to terms with the fact that when one kid gets sick, they all do. Nik started throwing up early in the week. Two days later, Rowan did. Now that they are getting their appetites back, Keaton is getting sick. Friday night he spiked a fever of 103° around 3:30 a.m., which finally broke Saturday morning. Now, after getting up with the little guys off and on since 1:45 a.m., Keaton called for me, and his fever is back up to 101.3°. There is something about the 1-3:30 a.m. time slot that is starting to become a pattern in our household lately!

Casey stayed up until 1:30, to ensure I got some rest. So far that 3 hour stretch of time in between has been fueling me, but I'm starting to feel exhaustion set in as I get up yet again with Nik. One more attempt to lay him down in the crib. I always look at the clock and hope it's the last time I have to see it for a long time. No luck so far.

I'm not really sure how to avoid getting sick at this point, since everyone around me is (basically) and my lack of sleep make my immune system more at risk. I'd love to be optimistic here. I also know that the stomach virus is very contagious, and I've been thrown up on twice this week, which was honestly one of the nastiest things I've ever dealt with before. I am a wimp when it comes to cleaning up things that come out of other people... I didn't realize this until I became a mom. I guess you just do what ya gotta do.


Tuesday, January 21, 2014

Video Keatonism

Oh boy. Here we go. Lol...

Can anyone blame me for dodging this topic? I'm just not quite ready to go there...haha!


Weekly Keatonisms

It's Keatonism Tuesday again, folks! Enjoy. If you're good, I may even post a link later so you can hear Keaton's take on where babies come out of their mothers when they are born...haha!! This kid is too much.

"I have a really really big boney bottom."

"You're a really good mess, Nik."

"I like John Mayer. As much as I can."

"I get the sleep you want, for you." (He was basically rubbing in my face the fact that he sleeps well and I don't. *Just got five straight hours, though! I should not be this wide awake at 3 a.m.!)

"You're the owner of the toner!" (Random, yet too funny not to share.)

Keaton was playing with one of his a Star Wars toys, and he put the Storm Trooper in the corner. "You get to sit in the corner, bad guy. You can think about your bad guy things and your bad decisions."

Letting his brothers crawl on him (picture included): "I'm getting killed of this." (tired of this)

I was explaining to him the reasons why I like basketball and hockey best, over football. I honestly don't understand all of the rules. He tried explaining them. "Mommy, football is when you kick. You put it in the right place, then you kick."

We were watching American Idol, and to make it interesting, we pointed out where people were from on a map of the U.S..
K:"The Oregon people speak what we speak."

"Bite my dust."

"I need some hot chocolate to cool me up."

We watched a clip of Yoda using the Force on YouTube. "Can I have the Force for my birthday?" (If anyone can hook this up, let me know.) ;-)

Thursday, January 16, 2014


I read an article recently about a Mom who, in a very brief synopsis, decided to stop complaining about the daily struggles being a stay-at-home-Mom, and just own it. Own it. That's a thing. And I don't do it very often.

Here's the real deal. It bugs me when people call me Super Mom. Let's be clear- I didn't babysit much as a kid. I was an only child. I didn't grow up nurturing or having this idea in my head that I wanted to be a SAHM someday. But I am one. It's been both a privilege, and a struggle. Because really, I have no freaking clue what I'm doing. I have a better freaking clue than I did four years ago, but the twins are throwing me for a loop. And while I'm okay with that, I know that I would be a better version of myself right now if I got a full night's rest. I long for the patience I could have if I weren't so darn tired all the time. I have not and will not ever claim to be Super Mom. I did not receive any cape in the mail.

The article basically listed a bunch of things this mother knew in advance, and how she needed to just realize that this is her situation, and stop complaining about it. She did let on (which made me grin at the time) that she did not anticipate getting as little sleep as she has. Yes!! I'm not alone!! Even mothers who know what they are getting into still bitch about lack of sleep! Score a freebie for me. Because if there's something I complain about each and every day, it's how tired I am. Keaton looks at me every morning now and asks, "Mommy, are you tired? Did my brothers not let you sleep last night?" to which I always reply, "Yep, buddy. Mommy's always tired."

So maybe I need to put this in perspective. Is this why people say the first few years of a child's life are blurry when you look back? Because you get such jacked up sleep that normal thoughts and comprehension go out the window for awhile? I can think about where we were a year ago, and how much has changed. Everything has, in one way or another. I can conclude that my kids will in fact sleep someday. Someday they'll probably have to be dragged from their beds. Someday, when they are teenagers... which will be another issue altogether!

It's not the end of the world, by any means. I doubt Keaton will grow up and remember this part...the grumpy Mommy who lived off 4 hours of broken sleep and worshiped her Keurig every morning. I look forward to times ahead where I lay the babies down at night and I don't see the clock every 1-2 hours afterward. Where I don't pray every day at nap time that the twins will actually sleep at the same time and I'll get even a 15 minute nap. It's coming. Right?

Enough complaining from me. Own it. I'm tired and it is indeed a personality trait at this season in my life. I will try to be the best Mom I can be anyway. I owe these little dudes that much.


Tuesday, January 14, 2014

Keatonisms for the week

Happy Keatonism Tuesday!

Keaton, to me: "Even if you cry and are mean, you still look pretty."

"I love you every day and every weekend."

Watching the weather. "Saturday there's snow. Seven piles of snow."

"I'm gonna have ham and cheese with bread on top and on bottom, and cheese and ham in the middle. With a slice of cheese." (Longest description of a ham and cheese sandwich I've ever heard.)

"Chocolate makes you go crazy." (Not me, I can handle it. He thinks it makes people go crazy in general.)

He heard me say the line and decided to repeat what he thought I said..."What did you talk about, Willis?" Lol

Me: "All we can do is try, right?"
K: "Yeah. Like a pinto bean."

"Nik just picked my nose. Is that okay?"

"If I see me doing something I'm not supposed to, I'll tell you." (I get the feeling this stage won't last very long.)

Talking about the dryer ruining his shirt. "It was the dryer's fault. But the dryer can't say I'm sorry, because it doesn't have a mouth."

K: "Who wrote this song?"
Me: "Billy Joel."
K: "Oh, maybe it was written by the guys that wrote Shufflin [Party Rock Anthem]. They were around when I was a kid."

Thursday, January 9, 2014

Me again, without Keatonisms!

So it wasn't really a New Year's resolution to start blogging again, but it is working out that way so far. While I figure I'll be updating with Keatonisms more regularly, I also know that my need to write has gotten overlooked, and I need that outlet again. I tend to let everything sit inside me until I become overwhelmed and anxious. It's not a good way to be. Here's what's been up lately.

Ideally, Christmas 2013 would have gone like this: Open our gifts from Santa, pack up the van, head to Kansas. Instead, Keaton got pneumonia the Monday before.  The poor kid was hacking and coughing, with a low grade fever most of the day (coupled with nightmares every night). We decided to try heading to Kansas on Thursday instead. We set up a tent for him with a humidifier and let him watch movies and play, hoping to help with the cough, but also keep him separated from his brothers. That didn't work. Nik started getting a bad, deep cough on Christmas evening. I worried myself silly, knowing he was getting pneumonia, thinking about his little preemie lungs and what might happen to him. I found myself on the phone with the pediatrician at 1:30 in the morning, terrified we would end up in the ER. Luckily we didn't.

Thursday we were cleared to go to Kansas, since Nik didn't have pneumonia, and Keaton was on antibiotics. I actually had reservations about it, but the pediatrician we saw encouraged us to "go, do!" so we went and did. We left Thursday afternoon and spent the night in Des Moines. We finally made it to Kansas Friday afternoon. That day, Rowan got the virus. We spent most of the time in Kansas either taking care of sick children, or making our family members sick. Seriously, I think we gave at least a little bit to just about everyone we saw. Not really what we wanted to hand out for Christmas this year. 

We are all finally over it (Casey came out unscathed, although I'm not sure how. Maybe it was because he was sick two weeks prior to our little virus... I dunno. I was thankful he was home to take care of all of us without having to take off work. It was work nonetheless.).

In other news, I'm sure there's a ton to catch up on with the boys. Keaton is growing up to be such a sweet, smart, considerate boy. He's slowly transitioning from the horrible 3s (or whatever you call those) and into this almost four year old smarty pants. I'll admit, sometimes his long list of questions gets to me after awhile, when it's rapid-fire style and wanting to know everything about anything that we are talking about, whether he should or not. But he's a very sensitive little guy, in the best way. He really cares. He's such an amazing big brother, and I will forever be thankful that we had a 3 year gap between the kids. He proves daily that he's going to be their protector, entertainer, and friend.

The twins change every day. Rowan has 6 teeth (maybe more, but he's a biter, so I tend not to stick my fingers in to search around. I've learned, over time. There's hope for me yet!). Rowan's hair is constantly having a party... I can't control it. I try to tame it, but it's not worth the effort these days. I want so badly to cut it, but everyone tells me it's "cute". My kids will not have mullets, so I suppose that will be the day I cut it or have someone else cut it. We'll see! Rowan can now say Hi, Hey, Mama, Dada (his absolute favorite word and person in the whole wide world!), Baba (for Big Brother, we think), and Yeah!!! (more like Yayayayayayaahhh!). And now... he crawls, as of Tuesday. Forward crawls, I should say. He was backward scooting for a few weeks now, and he loves to get stuck under the couch. He could back himself up and then sit up, which has proven to be entertaining and terrifying as he reaches for cords, cups, and decides to pull the baby gate over on himself. Luckily he wasn't hurt. He's going to be the go-getter, I think.

Nik, on the other hand, reminds me a lot of Keaton as a baby. He is content sitting where he is, analyzing his toys, looking at fine details, and having visible reactions to facial expressions. He's still the more animated of the two. And he still eats more than Rowan, yet is still smaller by almost half a pound. He is sweet and flirtatious. He's a bit of a Mama's boy, but I'm TOTALLY okay with that. He'd rather be held than try to pick himself up and crawl like Rowan does. He dives for me if I'm anywhere near him on the floor. He's a better sleeper than Rowan. He can now say Hi, Hey, Mama, Dada, More (just learned this yesterday!), Nana... I'm sure I'm forgetting something here. He is very conversational, and I am pretty sure he thinks we understand what he's saying. He makes funny inflections in his voice like he's trying to tell us something very important. He caught up with Rowan and has 6 teeth as well. He really likes to 'share', and will regularly give away his toys or food.

Both boys like to feed themselves, and can't get enough of the little cereal puffs and Cheerios. They are fun to watch. Nik, who never seems to be full, learned "more" yesterday when we were eating puffs and he kept trying to attack me to get some. I said, "Do you want more?" and he tried repeating it. I'm still surprised either of them talk at all, because Keaton talks so much! But it's going to be fun to hear the conversations between all of them in the near future. We are having a fun, chaotic time around here.

Casey and I are doing our best to stay afloat here with all these energetic boys. After the virus hit our house, the little guys still aren't sleeping so great and have been waking up coughing throughout the night. They also think they need their nighttime feeding again, which has made it tough to stop nursing because they are a bit unpredictable. I nursed them more while they were sick, and the pediatrician thinks that may be one reason they didn't get full-blown pneumonia (thank goodness, although I'm not entirely sure how that works... but I'm thankful either way). They will be ELEVEN months old in TEN days. That also means I've been nursing, with the exception of the time they were in the NICU, for almost eleven months. I am both proud of myself, and ready to stop. It's tough to do these days. I made it farther than I ever thought I would, but I think it's probably time to start weening them and getting them ready for regular milk. I know there will probably have to be a bit of a delay since they were preemies, but I'm anxious to hear what the pediatrician will say about it. They are only a tiny bit behind in eating solids, and prove to have a little bit of a food aversion to anything thicker than applesauce (with the exception of dry cereal, of course). I tried giving them stage 3 food and they both gag and choke. We'll get there.

So I'm sure I've missed a ton of things, and for that I am sorry. I hope to try and update this more often. I always say that, but I really mean it. I have a problem with forgetting things if they aren't staring me in the face (don't even ask me about laundry right now) so I'll do my best to start getting back into the habit of updating whenever life will allow... which is hopefully a bit more often.

Until next time,


Wednesday, January 8, 2014

Keatonisms, part 2

Since I'm apparently not sleeping tonight (Rowan awake at 11:40 to eat, Keaton rolled out of bed at midnight, Rowan and Nik wake up to eat at 1:30, Rowan wakes up crying of and on from 3-3:40, Nik wakes up from 4-4:15, Rowan wakes up at 4:20...this is getting ridiculous.) I might as well be productive and update the Keatonisms. Damn I'm tired.

Showing Keaton a video of an elephant painting:
Me: "This is at the zoo in Topeka, where Nana and Papa and Grandma and Grandpa live."
K: "They don't live at a zoo..."

Watching the large truck scrape snow & ice at Wal-Mart: "Wow, that's really nice of them!"

K, to me, watching Casey come through the door. "Here comes your husband!"

Me: "Dude, you are full of questions."
K:"Mmmhmmm, that's what I do!"

Me, to Casey (thinking Keaton was out of earshot): "I missed a lot of Keatonisms."
Keaton, chiming in from the back seat: "Maybe I'm saying too many funny things too fast and you can't write them fast enough."
Yep, pretty much. And he officially knows what Keatonisms are. Oh boy.

"It's colder than our whole life!"

I don't tend to post things about when he goes to the bathroom, but this week I'll make an exception. "I'm going the biggest poo poo of all." "My cheeks got wet. The bottom cheeks." "It was humongous." LOL... 1) He often gives me some kind of play by play or asks me if I want to see it afterwards. Oh, the joys of boys and motherhood! Haha! 2) Where the heck did he learn the word humongous?!?

"Andy Envelopes" (Andy Avalos, Chicago meteorologist)

K: "Say goodnight, Rowan."
Rowan: "Bah."
K: "That means goodnight in Spanish."


Tuesday, January 7, 2014

Keatonism Tuesday...first of 2014!

Here's part 1 of 2.
Me, talking to Keaton about his new toy digital camera from Christmas: "Keaton, will you please stop taking pictures of Nikolaus?"
K: "I'm taking pictures of him because I think he's a beautiful boy."

Me, again about the camera: "Please let your camera take a nap."
"But there's purdy stuff out here that I wanna take pictures of!" (Dude, I totally get it!)

"So you wanna see my selfie?" (He started taking them on his own, I just told him the 'correct' term...haha!)

Me, to Casey: "Did you get the t-e-l-e-s-c-o-p-e?"
K: "Does that spell lunch?"

K, to me: "I just called you the wrong name!"
Me: "Why?"
K: "Because I'm so funny!" (Officially created a monster.)

"I wanna watch Spickle Me Two." (Despicable Me 2)

"People don't need to worry. People just need to worry about themselves."

Casey: "What things does Mommy worry about?" (Long list ensues. He are some highlights)
"She doesn't want the Earth to crack."
"If I don't brush my teeth and they fall out."
"If I break all my bones."

Smoothing Rowan's hair: "His hair is having a party."

"I have a really really really really really big bed. It won't break our house."

"Mmmm! The marshmallows taste airy."