Tuesday, August 26, 2014

First day of pre-k

It's Keaton's first day of Pre-K for 2014-15! Here are some Keatonisms and facts about our big guy:

Casey: "I'm 407 months old."
Keaton: "So you're a unicorn."

Older man with long beard and pot belly walks by at the mall.
K: "SANTA IS HERE!!!!" (He hasn't seen Elf, but it was about the same intensity as that scene!)

Favorite color: purple
Favorite food: muffins
Favorite movie: Star Wars (#3)
Favorite TV show: Curious George
Favorite song: Let It Go
When Keaton grows up, he wants to fix airplanes and fly them like his Papa Keith.

Tuesday, August 19, 2014


Happy Keatonism Tuesday, and happy 18 months to Nik & Rowan!!
"Mommy, I can feel your arm heart."
(He then learned what a pulse is.)

"I just sneezed and boogies came flying out like a boogie concert!"

"It's a watermelon, so the juice is water, right?"

Tuesday, August 12, 2014

Keatonisms & half birthday

Not only is it Keatonism Tuesday, it is also his half birthday! Happy 4.5, Mr. K!
Keaton: "What shape is my waffle?"
Me: "A heart."
K: "Nope, it's Pennsylvania."

K: "Why are we driving around instead of going home?
Me: "We're going the scenic route."
K: "That means we're lost."
Me: "Nope, it just means we're going the long way home."
K: "Well when Grandma and Nana drive, it means we're lost." (LOL, sorry Nana De!)

"Alright, Big mommy salami."

"My body tells me I'm sleepy but I don't listen to my body because my body's not right." (...which might explain why he takes soooo long to get to sleep!)

Fancy was on the radio: "Is this even a song? It sounds like a commercial."

A Menard's employee saw my troop of boys, smiled, and raised her eyebrows. "Did you find everything okay?" Me: "I sure wish you guys sold extra hands." She laughed. Keaton chimed in: "And I sure wish you guys sold extra teeth."

Mister Rogers (singing): "Won't you be my neighbor?"
K: "I would be his neighbor. Because he has a purple coat."
Mr. Rogers, still singing: "Won't you be my neighbor?"
K: "Yes, but I'm not in your show. Sorry, dude!"

Tuesday, August 5, 2014


Happy Keatonism Tuesday!
"We got married when we were a kid, now we have to get adult married. We're just kid married." -about his girlfriend (wife??) Kaelyn.

About his sandwich that was not staying together: "I'm falling apart."

Me, to Casey: "This has 16 grams of sugar." K: "And you are 60 grams of mommy."

"I'm never tired, I just sleep because you tell me to."