So yesterday started out as a pretty lazy day. I actually slept later than I would like to document, but it was mainly because my stomach was not being nice to me. Charley and I lounged around most of the morning. After that, I somehow got the urge to start looking into the College of
DuPage online again as I had done a bit in the past week. I stumbled upon the Human Resources page, and decided to check out what jobs might be available. I found one I was interested in, and started the application process. Basically in the past 18 hours, I have:
- Updated my resume (which was covered in cobwebs since I haven't used it in four years...)
- Typed up a cover letter to the HR department at the College of DuPage
- Contacted new references and asked for reference letters
- Submitted my online application, and e-mailed my resume & cover letter
- Taken the typing and MS Word tests for the College of DuPage online (and scored in the 88th percentile! Happy day!)
I actually woke up around 6:30 when Casey got up, and have been awake ever since. It's a miracle. I guess laying around for two weeks in the hotel has finally made me antsy enough to actually be productive and start looking for employment! Oh, and I had a nice cup of
Dunkin Donuts coffee this morning (there are more DD stores here than there are McDonald's, I'm pretty sure...) which probably lead to my productivity as well. Good times, good times.
On another note, I am SO glad the new season of The Office started last night. It did not disappoint. I'm sad that I don't have as many people to talk to about it, though... Casey's not a big fan. I will say that he did attempt to watch parts of it with me last night, so that's a step in the right direction. If I had someone to talk with about it, I would definitely talk about the fact that Jim and Pam FINALLY got engaged! And the situation with Angela/Dwight/Andy is pretty hilarious. Michael's a
dumbass for many reasons, but when he ripped up the Counting Crows tickets, I wanted to reach through the TV screen and rip off his head. Not to mention the fact that I actually like the fact that Michael and the new girl haven't hooked up yet... we all know it's going to happen eventually, but it's good that the show is not predictable enough to make it happen when we most expect it. They are both so awkward and perfect for each other.
Yay season premieres!
Speaking of premiers, I am sad that they killed of Dr. Pratt on ER. I understand that it's the last season for the show, but they don't have to start killing people right away. I shed a tear or two at the end... maybe not as much as I did when Dr. Green died a
looooong time ago, but still... the writers really have a way of playing with your emotions when they kill off a character.
Booo!!! I guess that's good writing. I would probably cry either way, who am I kidding??
I'm starting to feel pretty tired, so I think I may take a nap. Casey thought he might be able to get out of work early today, so I think we're going to meet up for lunch at some point soon, and then he's going to work on making corrections to his dissertation. We have to pack up all of our stuff today in order to move upstairs tomorrow... the hotel is starting renovations next week so we can't stay on the first floor anymore. It's kind of a pain in the @$$, but that's okay. If only the house could have been ready a day or two earlier! Whatever... at least we won't have too much time to unpack before we move out again; maybe
this will make things a little easier.
CB is driving me nuts the past few days by whining a lot. Right now he's laying on the bed, staring out the window which faces the main door to the hotel... needless to say, he's fairly entertained right now. We'll see how long that lasts! We're going to take him to the
PetsMart near our house tomorrow- it's the Grand Opening, and
there will be a lot going on over there. It'll be a good chance for him to get to know the store that he'll go to most often. Best of all, it's right down Rt. 59 which is basically right down the street from our house! I CAN'T WAIT TO
More later,
PS: Yes Jenny, the waffles were made of real Belgians... have you heard from Olivier lately?? I'm just
lol.... ;)