This morning we woke up with a start. Casey thought he'd hit snooze, but he turned off the alarm. It was almost 7:30, the time he wanted to leave so he could be at work for training! I ran around trying to get his clothes and things together while he was in the shower. He left about ten minutes later... it was quick, but not a great way to start the morning, I'm sure! Hopefully the rest of his day is going better than the beginning.
So I slept in again after that. I woke up once when Housekeeping came to the door, but I think Charley scared her away. I got a phone call a bit later that said today was our day for Housekeeping and that she'd be back in 15 minutes to clean the room. I got dressed quickly and decided to take Charley for a long walk. We went exploring around the hotel, and then ended up walking down the main street for a bit. There is literally nothing around here. It was a pretty day, though, so we explored a bit and I took some pictures. (I'll include them in this post if the slow internet connection will allow...)
Last night after Casey got home from work, we had to go to FedEx Kinko's to fax some things to the mortgage company. Walking in that place brought back a lot of memories, which was weird since I've never been in that store before. I guess it's the familiar scent of paper and toner, who knows. I don't remember faxes being so expensive, though. What a rip off! It was $1.49 for the first sheet, and $1 for every page after that. We had about 20 pages. Ouch!
After that, we ran to the Sprint store. I guess I forgot to mention that in our horrible drive here, I accidentally dropped Casey's phone on the cup holders near the gear shift, and the screen got a crack down the middle. That definitely didn't help the mood of our drive. So we had to take it to Sprint to see what they could do to fix it. Needless to say, they couldn't do much. Even though Casey has insurance on the phone, it apparently doesn't cover things like that. It looks like they'll have to overnight a new phone to him sometime this week. Hopefully that'll be the end of that!
I guess that's about all for now. Charley's napping on the bed, but I know if I get up to take a shower, he'll be right there next to me; he's been my little brown shadow this week. I can't wait to get the house so he can run around and play... I love the kid, but I feel like we're attached at the hip right now. Maybe we can take him to PetsMart again this week so he can calm down a bit. :)
Thanks for reading... more tomorrow, I'm sure. :)
PS: As I was uploading pictures, we got a letter under our door. They are apparently renovating the hotel, starting with the first floor. They want us to move to a room on the 2nd or 3rd floor on Sept. 29th... go figure! We move to the new house on October 1st! This could get interesting... stay tuned...
I hate when I do that- wake up 10 minutes before I'm actually supposed to be somewhere. Worst feeling ever. I also hate alarm clocks in hotels- can't trust them :) Wow... I'm a very hateful person. Don't be like me kids!
I don't know how you take pictures of normal things and they look so amazing?! I'm envious. :)
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