I will officially be 27 in a few short hours. Every year around this time, I sit back and think about the way I "should" act at this point in my life, and how I do act. I have come to the conclusion that I am the most consistently inconsistent person I know. Seriously. I can't seem to get into a good habit of doing anything these days. I didn't feel well earlier in the week, so I pretty much slept through Monday and Tuesday. I started feeling better this afternoon and actually got up and was fairly productive. I've allowed myself to sleep too much and if I don't get a good handle on it soon, I'll have Hades to pay when I go back to school. Motivation would be greeeeeat.
I need to get out of this house. Just running to the bank to deposit a check today was pretty exciting. I treated myself with a cup of coffee (and I had hoped Charley would get a "Puppy Latte" out of the deal, but the Starbucks chick apparently didn't know what that was... boo!)... anyway, the coffee helped me out the rest of the afternoon. I got five loads of laundry done, dishes done, clothes folded and put away, and the kitchen straightened up a bit. This is a vast improvement over the rest of the week. I have plenty more to do tomorrow... I'm going to start my day off with a non-Starbucks cup of coffee and see if liquid motivation helps me out some more.
I have officially become one of those people I used to make fun of; someone that dresses their dog. We bought a sweater for Charley on Sunday, and I'm pretty much enthralled with how cute he is in it. I really want to get him another one. I wouldn't have done it if Casey didn't think that it might be better for him during the cold winter months; Chuck doesn't have much of a fur coat. And heck, he's a South Carolina boy- he's not one for the cold. It would also help if he didn't like it, but every time I go to put it on him, his little butt starts wagging. I guess the pictures I've supplied of him don't really show him looking happy- I think he gets tired of the camera. I would too if I were him... but he's a good model.
It just proves to me that I need more of a life when I spend the majority of my blog blogging about my dog. And laughing at myself because I made a little rhyme. I also laughed at myself the other day when I tried to throw our newspaper from the driveway up to the steps by the front door, but because of my terrible aim, it landed in our tree. I just looked up at the tree and thought, 'Did I seriously just do that?". If I would have tried to throw the newspaper in the tree, I probably never would have made it. It surprises me that I used to be so good at the Nintendo game, Paperboy. Those days are long gone.
I guess as another year goes by, it's time again for me to think about growing up. This year should do it, though- we own a house, I'm going back to school, Casey's got a great job... a lot of responsibilities to look forward to. Forgive my random thoughts... I always do this around the time of my birthday. I let myself put everything off until the end, and then I think about all of it at once and freak myself out. Enough of that, though... I've come to the end. Goodbye 26! Bring on 27!! It's time for a change.
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