Wednesday, January 7, 2009

Wii Therapy

So, I believe I might be going slightly insane. I am at a point right now where I really need a job (to supplement tuition for school, boredom, and random car accidents, among other things) so I almost made a huge mistake today and almost took a job that I would have been embarrassed to tell other people about, let alone write on my resume. I would just like to say, to the handful of people in the world that know what that job is, that you can breathe easier because I am not going to do it. (I can hear my parents' sigh of relief.) (Even though I'm not going to write what it was, I just want to clarify that it was NOT something illegal or anything of that sort... c'mon, you guys know me better than that!!)

Anyway, other than my brief lapse in judgment earlier today, it was a much better day overall compared to yesterday. I got my hair cut, ran some errands, cleaned the house a bit, and got in some much-needed Wii time this evening. That thing is absolutely amazing, and anyone reading this who does not have one should a) go buy it, or b) come to our house and play it. Seriously. I have managed to play Wii Fit just about every day since we brought it home from Topeka, and although my Wii Fit age has been anywhere between 25 and 48, I continue to improve in strength and balance. The Hula Hoop game is probably the funniest one to witness so far... I know I look ridiculous playing it. Charley's still confused by the Wii Fit balance board and loves to get a toy, ball, or Kong and put it right behind the board while I'm playing so I step back on it and almost fall on my ass. Maybe I should thank the Wii Fit for helping me practice my balance, because so far I have managed not to fall, even after tripping over Charley's stuff.

The Yoga exercises on Wii Fit actually helped me out yesterday. I was pretty freaked out from the stupid accident, so last night I did a bit of Yoga and it settled me down a little. I feel like I have some kind of post-traumatic stress over the accident even though it wasn't a bad one. I came home yesterday morning after it happened and decided to try to take a nap, but I couldn't sleep because I kept picturing scenerios that could have happened, like Charley getting hurt, etc. I'm not sure why that happens, but I'm dealing with it. I think that's why one of my nicknames is "Impending Doom"... I get caught up in things that could happen (and sometimes things that would most likely never happen) and freak myself out about it. Again, I realize it's stupid and all, but I guess that's why I have such an active imagination. It's not as bad as it used to be!

I fear that if I write much more, whoever is reading this will think I'm insane, so I'm going to stop now. :-) I'll write more tomorrow.



Olivier said...

Ashley (HELLO!) you ought to know better than to leave details to our imaginations. You should hear the rumors I'm spreading about the job you almost took!!

Ashley said...

Fine. It involved a Statue of Liberty costume, dancing, and a tax company. Nuff said. LOL... wow.