Tuesday, March 10, 2009

I am a slacker.

As usual, I would like to start this blog entry by apologizing for not blogging in awhile. I've been busy with work, and have had company the past two weekends in a row. I will write more about that later, because I don't have a whole lot of energy right now... I've been sick the past two days. I missed work yesterday because I woke up with a fever. It got up to 100.8 degrees and finally broke around 3:00 yesterday afternoon. Since then, I haven't had a fever again, but my head and stomach have been achy. My nose is pretty plugged up, too. All of this is happening now, of course, and Casey just left for a work trip to Houston today. I miss him already. He gets back on Friday... hopefully the rest of the week goes okay without him here. I'm a big girl, though... I can handle it. I think.

I had fun with Billy & Clay last weekend. We made it to downtown Chicago, and although it rained all day, we got to do some shopping and see a bit of the city. Time went too fast, as usual. Same goes for the previous weekend when Sara & Lindsey came to visit. That was a wild weekend, too. Maybe that's why I'm not feeling as well the past few days- I guess I have been doing quite a bit more lately than I have the past 5 months or so. It was good to see great friends again and hang out with everyone.

I guess that's about all for now. I can't wait until Friday!!!!



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