Thursday, May 7, 2009

Time for a Mental Break... down. Just kidding.

I am about to lose my mind, so before I do that, I need to write some things out. My head is swimming with numbers right now. One of the agents decided to clone a property 8 times today, so I've had to go into two systems and update all of the information for each one. This has taken me since noon, and with the exception of my hour lunch break, I have been working on it. I may be done with it by 7 if I'm lucky. Nonetheless, I needed a mental break before I have a mental breakdown.

The phone has been ringing off the hook. One guy got mad at me because I had to give him directions to our office and I didn't know them off the top of my head. Sorry, buddy... I'm not from here. If you'd like to give me a minute while I Google Map your location, that would be great, because all of the questions you are asking me are not going to get answers until I can find where you are. And the more attitude you cop with me, the longer it's going to take to get you here. And the longer you spend sighing loudly into the phone, the more gas money you waste. So shut up and let me find you and get you here correctly. Idiot.

If someone could give me a large baseball bat or firearm of some kind, that would be wonderful. Of course I'm just kidding, so please no one panic. My brain goes to these extremes when there's this much going on, so I say it outloud or write it down and laugh. I won't go postal on anyone. I do think that I may have a few gray hairs after today, though.

This week has definitely been Hell Week, and I think I am officially glad that I do not work full-time right now. If there is any luck in the world, the other part-timer will be able to work from 4-7 pm tomorrow night and I'll be out of here at 5:00... but I will not hold my breath. She was jealous that she had to be here until 7 on Tuesday and I got to leave at 5. It was my first time leaving at 5 since I started in February, and since she only works two days a week, I felt no simpathy for her. Again, I will not hold my breath about her working tomorrow afternoon, and I'll plan on staying here until 7 again. Whatever... more money for me I guess.

I think I'm done bitching now. Blogging is like the Recycle Bin for my brain... if I let it out, I can regroup and start again on the rest of the work. Deep breaths... deep breaths.

Thanks for 'listening'... back to work for me.



1 comment:

Jenny said...

Aw, you'll get through it! I'm sure your hard work is appreciated. :)