Another Sunday, another long day in the office while I stare at the beautiful weather outside. Bah! Okay, I will try to keep my complaints to a minimum. I have a lot on my mind today, so what better way to get it out than to blog? So far I haven't found a better one.
So I really wonder what's going on with the younger generation right now. It bugs me that out of 5 or more interviews for new part-time staff at work, only 2 people bothered to show up (the others didn't even call to let us know they weren't coming). Then out of those two (who both got hired), only one came in when she was scheduled, and the other never showed at all. I was supposed to train her today, but she never came in on Friday, which was supposed to be her first day. That is so sad to me. I realize that I've not always been the ideal employee and have had moments where I could use a swift kick in the rear end, but at least I would let my bosses know if I wasn't coming in, etc. And I would never stand someone up if I was scheduled to interview with them, out of respect. When over 50% of the people that even qualify to interview don't show up or call to give a reason why they won't be there, it really makes me sad for things to come. Not only that, but with the job market the way it is right now, you would think these people would be a little more anxious to have an income. I hope to teach my kids better than that, and glad that my parents worked hard and showed me what work ethic is supposed to be, by example.
Speaking of kids, mine has been a lot more active recently. We have moved from the funny tickling sensation to actual kicks now. Something was going on in there around 4 o'clock this morning... it felt like Peanut may have been changing positions or something to that effect. I tend to sleep on my side, and put more weight on my stomach, but when I did that it felt like little limbs were jabbing me as if to say, "Mom, you're smashing me! Move over!" We fought a bit about which position was going to work for the both of us. Peanut won, of course. I hate sleeping on my back, but I didn't have much of a choice, as that's the only way I could get comfortable and the only way Peanut would settle down. I also had to prop my head up with pillows because my lovely friend Acid Reflux kicked in again. (I blame the hotdog & nachos I ate yesterday during a movie Casey and I went to... maybe I'll learn eventually that things like that are probably going to give me a bad reaction and I WON'T EAT THEM. Too bad I like food a lot and feel the need to eat it no matter how it might affect me later on...
More baby stuff. This Tuesday, people in my office are throwing a baby shower for the other pregnant girl whose name happens to be Ashlee (who has a dog named Charlie... weird, huh?). This has been a little awkward, because a lot of the agents actually think the baby shower is for me. Ashlee has been with the company for 9 years, and used to work at the front desk. Now she works for a specific group of agents, and the newer people in the office just assume that the flyer/e-mail that went out was about me. I think a few of them have even chipped in money or bought presents, thinking I'm the one they are buying for. Again, very awkward situation, for many reasons. I don't really know what else to say other than that. Tuesday may be interesting.
Okay, could I possibly talk about anything else? More baby stuff. Yesterday Casey and I spent a large chunk of the day looking at cribs for Peanut. Good Lord there are a lot of different types of cribs. I think we have finally narrowed down what we want, now we just have to find the store that has the best deal. Soon we'll have to register. So much to think about and do in the next month... ahhh!!
Casey and I took a break from crib hunting yesterday and went to see "The Invention of Lying". I thought it was actually really good. For those of you who haven't seen it and don't care to know the plot, please skip this paragraph. For everyone else, I'd like to summarize it. It takes place in a world that only tells the truth; no one knows what a lie is. Everyone speaks exactly what's on their mind, which can lead to some pretty hilarious, and sometimes a little depressing, things that people say right to someone else's face. The main character, Mark, is a little on the chubby side, and everyone he meets pretty much let him know that he's a 'fat loser'. You hear this a lot in the movie. But anyway, everything really starts when Mark's mother is on her death bed. She is absolutely terrified of death, and that life just ends and nothing happens afterward. Mark wants to comfort her, so he 'makes up' a story about how there is a place you go when you die, and everyone gets mansions, everything is happy. You never feel pain, etc. He mentions there is a 'man in the sky' that is in charge of everything, etc. Some of the medical staff overhear what he's saying to his mom, and they have to know more about this "man in the sky" and what happens after you die. This turns into a huge ordeal, and suddenly Mark is the most popular man in the world. Everyone hangs on his every word, just to hear things he 'knows' that they don't. He claims the "man in the sky" tells him everything. Besides some funny but obviously sacreligious moments, the movie is pretty clever. I mean, he writes the 'rules' of life on the back of two Pizza Hut boxes! They call a church a "quiet place to think about the man in the sky". I was laughing from the beginning credits to the very end. They even threw in some sentimental moments and I thought I might cry... so basically the movie has it all. I recommend it!
So I guess that's it for now. I honestly have been here for almost 2.5 hours now, and have a feeling I may end up blogging again if the day doesn't start to be more exciting. For now, I'll end this horribly long novel... sorry for all the words. My brain is on overload today.