Friday, October 23, 2009

Holy Stress Batman!

Okay, don't panic. At least that's what I'm telling myself right now. I am slightly overwhelmed with the idea that I have a TON to do and I feel like I'm not getting anything accomplished!! Okay, I'm fine now. Deep breaths.

My TO DO list is filling up quick. Find a crib. Narrow down a theme for the nursery. Register for baby stuff. Get a list together for invitations. Start getting the room ready. Etc. etc. etc. Since I've had to work one weekend day for the last 3 weeks, I only get one full day with Casey to try to get through this stuff, and he's so stressed about projects with work and the house right now that I'm not sure when things will get done. So instead of sitting here blogging about my stress, I'm going to be productive and at least get some things done around here so I can feel better about things in general. Time to do 3-4 loads of laundry! Woo hoo! :-P


Okay, it's later. I got a lot done today... maybe not baby-wise, but still. :) 3 loads of laundry, cleaned the master bathroom, took Charley to Petsmart (where we saw 3 other Boxers and CB almost ripped off my hand/arm in the process because he was so excited!), registered for the Prepared Childbirth class in January, did the dishes, cleaned the sink... hmmm... I think that's enough for one day. Tomorrow will be crib hunting/possibly buying, and whatever else Casey and I can get done on our day together. One thing at a time!! :)



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