Wednesday, June 23, 2010


Do you ever have a day that's so bad, you think at one point, "Okay, I'm done. I surrender. Let's try this again." That was yesterday for me. The morning started out bad, and the day got even worse. Luckily it wasn't all jammed together like the morning was, but the afternoon wasn't good.

Charley Brown is not doing well. By yesterday afternoon, he hadn't eaten anything, wouldn't take his meds, and kept getting sick in the house. I had an appointment at 5 (which went well- I did have plenty to talk about!) but while I was gone, Casey noticed that Charley had started shaking. When I called Case around 6, he had just called the vet and was going to take Charley in because he might have a fever, or may have been shaking from pain. His back legs weren't working quite the way they should, either. I made it home and we put the boys in the car and headed to Petsmart.

Our vet is a very optimistic lady, but we have a feeling she was trying to paint things a bit better than they really were. They gave him fluids because he was super dehydrated. He's lost 7 lbs since Saturday. She said if we got his meds in him (with the addition of a few more) and he didn't improve, we need to bring him back in today... probably for the last time. So we brought the guy home, and he still didn't eat. Casey had to crush up his meds and force feed them to him. He hasn't moved from his spot on the floor all night. The vet told us he should have to go to the bathroom a lot last night... he wouldn't even go outside. At this rate, this isn't even the dog I know. I hate to be a pessimist- in fact, I think I'm being more of a realist- but I think this might be the end. I am coming to terms with the very real possibility that this could be Charley's last day with us.

I am so happy we had such a great weekend with him. I'll update again later.


** On a brighter note, while Case was watching Keaton last night, he finally rolled over (back to tummy). :) I'm actually glad he did it for Casey because I was almost certain he'd do it and I wouldn't have the camera ready... Case was so good he got the last part of it on video.

1 comment:

Clare said...

Thinking of you Ashley!
And Yay Keaton, no worries Momma, they all do things at their own pace.