Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Smarty Pants

After yesterday's insanely long entry, I thought it might be nice to update on some things Keaton is doing lately.

As far as food is concerned, he now likes green beans, squash, and today he decided he liked chicken with apples. He tried chicken risotto with mangos at home, but promptly spit those out in disgust. Apparently my parents' dog wouldn't even eat it... haha! He is getting the hang of eating these little yogurt drops that melt in his mouth, and has pretty much mastered picking them up and putting them in his mouth all by himself. If they start to come out, he will take one of his little chubby fingers and poke it back in. He also started saying "Ah" for us on Sunday night, and will either say "ah" or "AHHHHH!!!" depending on how hungry he is. :) It's nice that he does that now, though, because it's easier to tell when he wants more. Today he tried a real sippy cup for the first time, and seems to like it better than the beginner sippy cups we were trying to use earlier. It may be because his gums hurt and he's having a harder time biting things, but either way he tolerated it better than previous attempts.

He is not even close to crawling yet, but he loves standing up. In fact, if I sit him in my lap and give him my hands, he pulls himself to standing. Some people have told me he may totally skip crawling, which I'm not ready for at all... but it's fun to see the smile on his face when he realizes he's standing up. He's still in need to some good quality tummy time because his arms aren't quite as strong as they should be at this point, but I'm not too worried and I know he'll get to where he needs to be soon. I'm propping him up more when he's on his stomach so he has to use his arms more.

Besides saying "mama" last week, he's making a lot more noises lately. He hasn't really said "da" as much, but we're working on it. 'Ga' and 'ba' are pretty common, though, as well as the old favorites 'whoooo' and 'ankooo'. Sometimes it sounds like he's trying to make a sentence, and he spouts out a bunch of sounds together. He now uses a lot more expressions, and has been raising his eyebrows a lot when he realizes we are talking to him or we understand what he wants, which is normally followed by a sweet little smile. Yesterday I said, "Where's Daddy?" and he looked up to a place Casey normally plays Peek A Boo with him. He's really catching on to things and it's neat to see him learning so much!

I'm sure I'm forgetting something so I'll try to remember and update again later.


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