Much like Humpty Dumpty, Mr. K had a great fall yesterday. Into the Christmas tree. He now has a Harry Potter-esque scratch on his forehead, which looks much better today, thank goodness. He is so curious these days, and is rather fearless... he has started diving for things he wants and doesn't seem to worry about the consequence. Soooo... of course, right before pictures with Santa, we have a battle wound. I'm just glad it wasn't horrible because it could have been a LOT worse. At least it didn't scratch his eyes, or anything. Hopefully it heals quickly!

In other news, we have officially decorated the house for Christmas. It's the most decorating we've ever done. Now I'm kind of in decorating mode and feel like I need to put up pictures and make the house look better. I blame the cold, crappy weather for making me a bit restless in the house. I hope the snow and ice stay away so Keaton and I can go out and do things instead of being stuck in the house for long periods of time! I think I need to move back to the South.
I guess that's about all for now. I'm trying to get Keaton to nap (he's been awake since 6:30 so we're going on 4 hours now...) and am trying to have energy myself. The house is a mess from unpacking our Christmas stuff yesterday so I have a lot to do to make it look decent again!
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