Monday, May 9, 2011

Mother's Day, numero dos

My second Mother's Day has come and gone (if you don't count the ones I spent with Charley Brown, who would have been 7 years old yesterday), and I can say that it was a complete and total success, thanks to my boys. I woke up to two very adorable cards, and inside one was a little slip of paper that had an appointment date to get family pictures taken next weekend! It is something I have wanted for awhile now, we just hadn't decided when and where. So next Saturday, the boys and I will head to Sears and hopefully bring some smiles with us. (I'm talking to you, little squeaky Hetrick!) The boys also gave me a gift card to Kohl's to get some spiffy clothes for the shoot. :-D I am excited!!

Okay, as usual, I start blogging and Mr. K wakes up... I may have to cut this short. We have a repairman here working on our garage door which busted this weekend... it was after 9:30 p.m. on Friday night and Casey and I heard what sounded like a wooden baby gate falling to the floor, which scared the crud out of me. We found out Saturday that it was one of the huge springs flying off the garage door. What the?? I learned a few interesting things about said garage door today, too. The repairman told me that we could actually sue the person that inspected our house before we bought it, because the previous owner had the sensors installed above the garage, rendering them useless, and it is illegal to not only install them that way, but to sell a house that way, too. Interesting...

It's good to know that Keaton was tired enough to sleep through the majority of the guys pounding and drilling, though- he's been sleeping for over an hour. Alas, he is awake now, so time for me to go. More later!


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