Monday, January 16, 2012

In Repair

So far, 2012 has seen a lot of sickness for the Hetricks. Keaton got his first ear infection in both ears (which we are still fighting), and Case and I can't seem to shake this cold we've had for about two weeks. Things are looking better, now it's just time to get the littlest Hetrick back in good shape. Today his nose is running and he seems pretty tired, but he's in much better spirits and slept better last night. So did I, finally. I keep waking up around 3 a.m., though, wide awake.. then poor Casey's been so congested that he's snoring and I can't get back to sleep, so I go sleep out on the couch until he wakes up. Swiss Cheese sleep for me once again... it's starting to wear on me a bit. Hopefully tonight will go well, though, because tomorrow is my second week of class, and Keaton's second week of school.

Last week, with the exception of our first big snowfall, went well. Keaton actually took an hour nap on his cot at school on his first full day, which shocked me. He played well with everyone and apparently followed his teacher around all day. I enjoyed both of my Photography professors and look forward to a very fulfilling semester! They are both very passionate about what they do and I'm excited to learn from them. I haven't really figured out when I will get to actually take pictures for class, but we'll have to see if Keaton can accompany me on our 'off' days and make it work. Should be a fun semester- when we finally feel up to par!

I think that's about all for now. A few Keatonisms, though: The other day he said, "Daddy loves me" which made me smile, because that means he hears that phrase often. Not sure if I mentioned that he overheard Howie Mandel say "Jock itch" on Ellen a week ago, so he started running around the house saying, "Jock itch, hahaha!!" over and over... LOL... he also thinks everything is his now, and often tries to steal my bowl of cereal in the morning. Yesterday when Casey was getting his haircut, Keaton kept saying, "Keaton haircut! Keaton haircut!!" which made me laugh because I know if we would have sat him in the barber's chair he'd probably freak... and I am still looking for a place that doesn't charge ridiculous amounts of money for a child's cut. There's not much to cut! If only you could pay for the amount that is taken off... we could save a lot. Oh well.

Think that's about all for now... time to try and be productive around this house!


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