Thursday, February 23, 2012

Quotes and such

Sometimes I wish I could link my Facebook status with my blog... I feel like it's a less wordy way to express what's going on rather than rambling on and on in a blog... but alas, here I am, rambling on in a blog. :) Here are a few status updates of late, though... kind of summarizes what's going on this week:

"Yesterday, Keaton asked me to draw a Jayhawk and handed me a purple crayon. That's just wrong."

"When it takes me a solid minute to try to open the child lock on the oven, I'm fairly confident Keaton won't be able to do it. Then again, this is Casey's kid."

"Little bit of 'wisdom' for the day: You can use a kleenex as a napkin, but I don't recommend using a napkin as a kleenex. *Deep thoughts by Sick Ashley*"

In other news, our front Ash tree got cut down yesterday because of some invasive beetle that burrows in and kills them. Lame. I loved that tree. Our subdivision looks so bare now! I hope the City or Village decides to replant, otherwise it's going to be a pretty dull Fall around here. I vote Maple!!!

I've had coffee this morning. Forgive me. Too many words in my head and no real direction on where they are going. Coffee allowed me to get a ton of things done yesterday, so I'm thankful for that. This morning, though, I've got too much energy and no where to really direct it except the blog. Again, I apologize... luckily class starts soon. Casey came back from L.A. last night and got home around 2 this morning. Keaton was too excited to see him this morning and didn't want to leave the house! (I should also mention that Keaton slept in until 7:30 again this morning... I don't know if this is becoming a habit, or if he still has an ear infection, because that's the only time he really sleeps in. We shall see on Monday at his recheck/2 year appointment. Either way, it's nice to wake up before him and get some things accomplished!)

A few Keaton moments before I leave you: Last week while he was sick, he had a sudden burst of energy and said, "I froggie." Then he got down on the floor and started hopping around saying "Ribbit! Ribbit!".. I may attribute this one to something he learned at school, because I don't think we've ever done anything like that at home before.

This morning at breakfast, he took a napkin, unfolded it completely, then threw his hands in the air and said, "Tada!" LOL... he was so proud of himself!

I think that's about all for today. I'll try to make it more of a habit to blog while I've got time to spare at school.


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