Thursday, May 24, 2012

Me too!!

An example of Keaton's frame of mind lately:

Keaton said, "Whatcha doin', Mommy?" I said, "I'm drinking coffee, buddy." He said, "I want drink coffee, too!"

Neighbor Nina and her little brother Evan were playing outside with Keaton the other night. Evan started making faces at Nina, and she said to him, "You look stupid." Keaton chimed in, "I look stupid, too!"

Yesterday I took Keaton to Men's Wearhouse to get fitted for his tuxedo for "Uncle" Kyle's wedding next month. He loved it. LOVED it. Didn't want to take it off. He was strutting around the store, checking himself out in the mirror. Look out, ladies! This little stud muffin is going to tear up the dance floor in a few weeks!

We had family pictures taken last night. It was a lot of fun! Keaton fell in love with our photographer, Dana. He even asked to hold her hand when we were talking to the parking lot. I can't wait to see the pictures!!

My voice is slowly coming back, but the hearing in my right ear hasn't yet. I also spend a good 2 hour chunk of time each night coughing instead of sleeping. I'm a tiny bit of a zombie right now, but today is my day "off" so I hope to get a second wind (*read 'cup of coffee and can of Coke'*) and get some things done.

Finally, today is my NINE year wedding anniversary!! What a ride it's been so far. I can't wait to see where the next 9 years takes us! It's hard to imagine when I look back on the last nine... we've been through a lot and have come a long, long way. We've met some amazing people, and even created our own amazing little person. It's been a very exciting roller coaster of life together- ups and downs, for sure- but I'm really glad we've gotten through it together. :)


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