Monday, June 11, 2012

Almost Home Sweet Home

Apparently Elmo has a strange calming effect on my boys... they were running around like crazy and I needed a moment of sanity, so I turned on Sesame Street and they both froze and have been quiet ever since. Thank you, Elmo. Mommy really needed that.

Riese slept through the night for the first time. He woke up at 5 a.m. and I got up with him (because Casey was headed out the door to work) so I played with him and calmed him down a bit. He fell asleep in my lap, and just as I was about to doze off, I heard Keaton- it was 5:45. I put Riese in the crate and ran in to Keaton. He was in a terrible mood, maybe because he finally fell asleep after 9 last night after Meltdown of the Year. Anyway, I rocked him for a little bit, and he proved he was not going back to sleep, so we were up. Riese slept until a little after 7, and we all ate breakfast. Since then, the boys have been running around like crazy. We've been in and out of the house several times already. I'm happy to say that Riese seems to be catching on to the potty training because he ran to the door and went potty right after I let him out. He had quite a few accidents yesterday, but so far he's doing a lot better. Keaton has regressed a bit on the potty training, though. The day we brought Riese home, Keaton told me he had to go "poo poo" in the potty, so we came inside and he actually did it! The next day, he didn't even want to pee in it. People have told me this sort of thing tends to happen when there is a change in routine (new sibling, pet, house, etc) so I guess I shouldn't be too surprised. He's starting to come back around, slowly. And I'm okay if he's not potty trained by the time we go to Kansas, because I don't want him to have an accident in his one and only tuxedo!!

It's wedding week!!! I can't wait for the weddings in the next week and a half. I can't wait to be home with family and friends. I know it is going to go fast, but I've been looking forward to this trip for months now. I think we have everything we need, I just have to pick up my bridesmaid dress Wednesday. I am worried about all kinds of things- will Keaton walk down the aisle? Will he have a meltdown? Will Riese do okay out in the heat during the wedding? Will Keaton nap okay on the trip and not be a grump? And then I realize, most of these things are out of my control. I'm kind of driving myself nuts lately, especially trying to have some sort of control over Keaton and the puppy. It's just not happening, and I'm probably wasting a lot of energy on it. The trouble is realizing that in the  moment and not getting bent out of shape. So far, I'm not doing so great... but hopefully I will calm down a bit and learn that most of it is out of my control, and that's okay. I don't want to make the time at home less fun by freaking out about things like that. Not worth it. I'd like to thank my husband for pointing that out to me, I needed to hear it.

So, I guess that's all for now. The boys are still getting along well (when Riese isn't biting). Riese is already growing up and out. The collar we had for him last Monday will no longer fit around his neck now, so we had to get another one this weekend. He doesn't really care for it, but he'll get used to it soon. Fun times around here, as usual! K has school tomorrow so I'll spend most of my time getting the house in some kind of order, and probably gathering items to pack for our trip home. Can't wait!!!


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