Monday, July 23, 2012

Please forgive me.

Terrible twos, in full effect! I need a place to vent. Or that padded room I've been dreaming of building in our basement. Please note, I am venting. Sometimes we just need to let it out so we don't go to the other kind of padded room, you know?

Keaton always has a bad day after family has been here to visit, and this time is no exception. Today he has been in an exceptionally terrible mood. He's hit me, pushed me, taken things out of the trashcan and thrown them. He really likes to argue, and has said the opposite of almost everything I've said today. Example? "Keaton, you are not being nice to Mommy right now." "I being nice to Mommy." Riiiight. So I stopped talking to him because I was tired of hearing him say the reverse of whatever I said. Once, he was crying, and I wiped his nose. He grabbed the tissue from my hand and tried to put the snot back on his face! He wants everything to go his way, no matter what it is. If I sit instead of stand, he is pulling me down to sit. If I move my hand, he tries to put it back where it was.

This is normally stemmed from either something that didn't go his way, or he's tired, or he's hungry. I'm at a loss. I really miss my sweet little boy that I still see glimpses of. I keep thinking that it's just a phase. Sometimes I also feel like I'm talking to a wall, or that talking at all is pointless.

Sorry again, but venting/writing is about the only way I can get this out. I'm losing my cool with him, and I don't want to. I look forward to the day when I can look back and think, "I survived the terrible twos!" (Someone should make that a t-shirt or something.) Right now, that day can't come soon enough.


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