I am such a slacker!!! Every day I think I will write, and every day I'm too exhausted to do it. I'm sorry, not only to anyone keeping up with the blog (I know there are a few of you!) and I'm sorry for myself because if I ever want to remember this time of life, it's only going to be fuzzy! Everything is fuzzy right now.
The first full week with the boys home has been good. We don't sleep much, mainly because they still have their days and nights flipped and tend to come alive as soon as we turn out the lights. Rowan is our fussy man... Nik can sleep with the best of them. Rowan has had tummy issues the past few days so sleep has been basically non-existent. We are going back to the Ped tomorrow for a weight check. I know Nik is gaining well- I hope Ro is too!! He's still such a tiny little guy... but he's outgrown a few of the tiniest outfits already! I am planning to donate some if not all of the preemie clothes to the NICU.. I remember how nice it was to see the boys in clothes instead of tubes and wires. I hope to be able to give that back to other parents, too.
Keaton is doing really well with his baby brothers. He loves them... not so much when they cry... but he's a great helper! He likes to help pick out clothes, get diapers and wipes, and try to console them. He will go up and kiss them on the heads and call them "cutie". He also loves grabbing the Purell bottle and making his hands 'clean'. I may have created a monster... but we are glad he'd rather be clean than put his hands all over the boys and get them sick.
Today they had an appointment with the ophthalmologist to make sure their retinas did not get damaged during their time on oxygen. While the retinas are still premature, the doctor didn't think they were going to have any issues since they weren't on oxygen very long at all. We go back in two weeks for a recheck. They had their eyes dilated so they got to wear the big shades... I'll try to include a picture I took... it was pretty funny. Hopefully everything pans out and they get a clean bill of health in the eye department! Their ears check out fine, too. So far it looks like their biggest obstacle will be size. Tiny but tough!
Home life has changed quite a bit since I last wrote. Mom is back in Kansas, and had a few health scares before leaving last week. We are glad she is home now, resting and getting better. She deserves time to recover... I think we kind of ran her ragged. We miss having her here and are thankful for all the help she gave us since November. De is here this week to help, then next week we will be on our own. Casey goes back to work the week after... not gonna lie- I'm nervous for him to go. It's been great having him here to establish some good habits and be my partner in sleep deprivation. :)
I am certain I'm leaving out tons of things. Hopefully I'll remember them for next time, but I'm having a tough time remembering my name these days, so no promises.
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Rowan sports the one-size-fits-all shades from the eye doctor. |
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Our little leprechauns! (Keaton didn't wear green yesterday. Don't worry, I pinched him.) |
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