Wednesday, April 24, 2013

Life imitating 'art'

I noticed the boys were holding hands after I nursed them tonight, so I took a quick picture from my phone. While editing it, I noticed that their profiles reminded me of the ultrasound pictures, so I did a mash-up. Enjoy!

We are doing fairly well around here. Casey had surgery last week to ensure that there will not be any more Hetrick children in our family, so it's been a long weekend for both of us. He's recovering, but not as quickly as he'd like. Rowan got circumcised today at the fun. He's been pretty fussy this afternoon, as can be expected. My boys are in recovery mode. Hopefully they will be back to normal asap!

The weather is starting to warm up! The Hetricks are flying in tomorrow for an extended weekend so they can help with the basement. Always thankful for the help. I know Casey is a lot less stressed when things get accomplished. I'm happy to have a few extra sets of hands with the boys...I am killing my back carrying them around, lifting things, etc.. I'm also glad Keaton will have more attention. I'm not balancing things as well as I would like...I'm glad there's a learning curve on my side.

That's all for now. I'm not posting as much as I thought I would. Will try to work on that, troop. Right now my free time is spent just trying to stay afloat! We'll get there eventually.

Until next time....



Stacy in Oz said...

Careful in about 8 - 10 years. My cousin has a vasectomy baby.

Ashley said...

I never knew it could 'grow back together'. YIKES. LOL...