Tuesday, October 28, 2014


Happy Keatonism Tuesday, friends!
Keaton, to me: "Are you a good painter?"
Me: "I dunno. Some people think I'm okay, some people probably don't."
K: "Well if they don't like your painting, don't be their friend."

K: "It's too bad we don't have two daddies that were the same guy."
Me: "Yeah, we'd have to clone him. It's like making a copy of him."
K: "Yeah, like clone him. Then we'd have one that could stay at home, and one that could go to work. And then the one at work could switch and he would come home and play and the other one would go to work." (Someone is a fan of his daddy...)

K, to Casey: "Mommy doesn't have a working job. She has a keeping-an-eye job. I mean she keeps an eye on my brothers."

"When you get older you get squiggly hands."

Tuesday, October 21, 2014

"Special K"

Happy Keatonism Tuesday!
"When I grow up and get a band, I'm going to call it Mickey Minaj."

I was talking to him about his genetic makeup. Looking back, I probably should've used different terminology, but he's a curious kid and I figure I'll tell him like it is. He said, "Genetic makeup... why is there makeup on our genes?"

Me: "What kind of cereal would you like for breakfast?"
K: "Special K, cuz I'm K and I'm special."

Me: "I'm thinking of making pot roast tonight."
K: "No, I don't like roasted pot."

Tuesday, October 14, 2014


Happy Keatonism Tuesday!
"He's not going to lift heavy weights, he's going to lift paper weights because those aren't heavy."

First sarcastic sentence (that I've heard, anyway...) "Well, I'm glad I got crumbs all over me."

He got a wedding cake cupcake: "Can I have my marriage cake now?"

"I'm heavier than I used to be, because I love to grow."

While sitting on my back, "I'm switching your bones around where they're supposed to be."

Tuesday, October 7, 2014

Mr. K Tuesday

Happy Keatonism Tuesday, everyone!

"Misunderlooked it- that means when you look at something but you misunderstand what you saw."

After getting disciplined for making a mess in the bathroom: "When I get older and my sons do something bad, I'm not gonna to do anything. I'm just gonna let them." Haha... My only response was, "Well, that'll be your parenting choice, and this is mine."

"Cold air is the baddest thing in my whole entire life."

He saw Giada De Laurentiis on TV: "I love her face!"

"I'm not going to drive when I get to be 16, I'm going to let Kaelyn drive."

"You're more emo than Nemo." LOL!