Sunday, February 8, 2015

Twinsday "Wednesday"

I meant to do a sort of Twinsday Wednesday status... But it's been a week of injuries and illnesses around here! I think everyone is on the mend. Here are a few goodies from Nik and Rowan!

Nik, crying: "Train, stuck!"
Rowan: "Oh no! Nik!"
Rowan walks over to Nik. "Stuck, train?" and pats Nik on the head.

Rowan put glasses on his R2D2 toy: "R2, cool guy!"

Rowan trying to tell me the name of his toy, El Chupacabra: "Poo poo caca!"

Nik asking me to rock him: "You, me, chair!"

Nik, to Target cashier: "Bye bye! Wuv you!" (He must've meant it, he said it three times!)

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