I don't know if I'm going to make it to the weekend.
They are predicting up to a foot of snow here tonight. We just got back from sunny SC on Monday after Casey's graduation (yay Dr. Hetrick!!!!). We came back to 7 degree temps and a frozen truck. It was a freaking cold ride back to Plainfield from O'Hare, but luckily we made it back fine and the house was intact. We got around 4 inches of snow on Tuesday (it took Casey around 1.5 hours to get home from work that night), and not much of it has melted, so tomorrow's going to be terrible. There's no sense in sugar-coating it... it's going to suck.
Being in SC again was great. We got to see a ton of people and although it was a quick trip, it felt like 'home' again. It just hit me harder when we came back because I miss it so much. But I know that this is another chapter in my life, and it was time for us to move on. Casey's home more now, and actually gets a decent night's sleep. I'm thankful for that.
I'll post some pictures from graduation. I'm so proud of Casey!!! It was nice to see him achieve something he worked so hard for... and now he'll let me refer to him as Dr. Hetrick! :-D
I'll write more later... glad I got my oil changed today and some Christmas shopping done before the storm hits tonight. Help me Lord.
Breakfast at Cafe Strudel
Dr. Hetrick & Dr. Amiridis
Group picture after graduation
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