The freaking company called me again just now to tell me about the 'opportunity' they would like me to be a part of... so I called them back to tell them I'm not interested. Apparently they don't talk to each other, because they didn't mention the fact that I had an interview scheduled for this morning which I had canceled yesterday. Curse you people!!! Apparently it was partially my fault for not setting my resume to 'private', but they shouldn't keep calling to harass you after you've deleted your profile AND called them directly to tell them you aren't interested. Kick me while I'm down, why don't you? Okay, so that's a bit dramatic, but I honestly was disappointed when I found out that they didn't really want me to interview because of something from my resume, they just wanted a body to fill their position. Oh well... I'm just glad that I saw the red flags and checked it out before I went to interview. Alas, I'm repeating my previous entry... but I'm still ticked off.
Today will be spent getting the house in order and packing for our trip to South Carolina tomorrow afternoon. I can't wait to get there!! I'm sad to leave Charley behind, but I'm certain he'll have fun at the PetsHotel. I can't wait to see all our friends in SC!!! I miss them so much... and a big part of me wishes I was still there sometimes, but I know that I need to move on to the next chapter in our lives. I just need to get myself in a comfortable place here, get a job, and go back to school. I'm tired of being a hermit. I've allowed myself to get into bad habits (sleeping too much, being lazy, not doing housework, etc. etc. etc.) so I need to change to make our situation a better one. I'm not doing myself any favors right now. Anyway, enough of that. I'm excited for a fun weekend, and it'll be great to be able to call Casey "DOCTOR HETRICK" without making him embarrassed. (I'm not sure if he thought it would jinx him or something, but I think until he actually graduates, he didn't want anyone to call him that... maybe he thought they'd change their minds or something?? I'm not sure... but either way it'll be nice to have it official!!) I probably won't get to update until Tuesday of next week, but by then I should have some pictures of the Doc! :-D Yaaaaayyyy!!
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