Alright everyone, I have wanted to write about this since I found out, but hesitated. I think it's fine now to announce that Casey and I have a little one on the way!! I found out the day before Father's Day that I am pregnant! We are SUPER excited and I am already starting to show. The doctor thinks I'm at around 9 weeks now. I have not gotten sick *YET* but have had several close calls in the last week and a half. I am tired most of the time, and when I'm not, I'm hungry. Sometimes both, and that's not a good combination! :)
I go to my first appointment on the 17th of July... hopefully then we'll get the ultrasound pictures and everything. I am definitely trying to eat better and get plenty of sleep. I'm also trying not to stress out as much as I had been in recent past, but this week has been tough; two of the admins at work are gone, so I'm basically doing Michelle's job and she's doing Kelly's. Phones, paperwork, and crabby people = STRESS!! Once I realized that I am only one person and can only do one thing at a time, it really calmed me down a bit. When you let go of control, especially of something that is not even IN your control, it's amazing how much better you can feel about it!
Anyway, back to the news. For going off of my medicine in May, things sure moved quickly! We thought we would have time to finish the basement before a baby came into the picture, but unless we work quickly, I don't think that's going to happen. We'll make it work, though. We are going home this weekend to visit. Ideally we were going to wait to tell everyone this weekend when we see them, but we decided that since my mom was having surgery this week, and Casey's mom's birthday was last week, we would just tell the parents at that time. It's still so weird to think that I'm going to be a mom... I have SO MUCH TO LEARN!!!! But we are both very excited.
I guess that's all for now. I'm going to go back to sleep now and hopefully feel better in a bit so I can get things done today. Mom had another surgery yesterday and ended up having some complications with it, so I'm waiting to hear from them to find out what's next. If we need to we will leave earlier for Topeka.
I'll update again later.
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