We got to see Peanut today for the first time! The ultrasound went really well. The biggest surprise is that I am only 9 weeks along instead of 12 like we had thought. That means that I got a baby for my anniversary this year! It is officially due February 26th. :-D Here are some pictures of it and one that's even labeled for people like me who couldn't tell Peanut's head from its butt. :) LOL...
Just found out that my college roommate is pregnant! Among a few others that I promised not to name until they officially tell the world... it's just so crazy!!! It must be a good time to have babies!
I would write more but I honestly don't have a lot to say... I'm tired a lot (but starting to feel like I may have a bit more energy these days...) I don't think anyone wants to hear about how frequently I go to the bathroom or how I'm hungry virtually all the time. Considering I'm not as far along as I thought I was, I have gained more weight than I probably should... of course my doc didn't say this, but I can assume it because Peanut is so tiny right now and none of my pants have fit correctly for over a month now... hmmm.... Anyway, I know I am eating well, and I will continue to do so as I enjoy food way too much. Enjoy the pics!!
aaah! How did I not know about your blog? It's on my list now. We're preggs together! How crazy! It seems like every time I turn around someone else is pregnant.
I have been so tired lately. Jonathan's boss said that when his wife was pregnant, she was exhausted in the first trimester but then had tons of energy in the second. Let's hope that's true!
I'm so happy for you guys! And let's hope your peanut comes just a teeny bit early, like, oh... February 12th :)
I love that you labeled it, what a great idea! Hehe.
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