I am rather 'disenchanted' (that phrase stuck in my head since I heard one of our agents use it the other day at work) by the lack of cute maternity clothes around here. I have checked out Old Navy, Target, Motherhood Maternity, and Kohl's, as I hear they normally have cute stuff... so far no luck for me. I did look at Old Navy's website this evening and felt a little better about the situation. If we weren't working on getting rid of our debt by the first of the year, I probably would have caved and actually submitted everything I put in my online cart. Alas, I saved it, and will probably not look at it again until I am in desperate need of clothes. Which may be next week at this rate...
It's a little depressing to be ~11 weeks along and not have a very good selection of clothes to wear in my closet. I tried wearing a few of my t-shirts last week, but found myself getting paranoid at how tight and short they are becoming. I like that Juniors have a lot of things that could easily pass for maternity clothes (although when I think of it, it's a little disturbing, too...). I'm just tired of shopping in the pregnancy section and feeling like the shirts look like a tent or something equally unflattering. Again, props to Old Navy for a lot of their stuff... it looks like it actually has shape. The only downside to that (besides the $ factor) is that you can only get most of it online, and I prefer to try things on at the store, esp. now with my body being so... different. I have said, and will say again, that I feel like I'm having an out-of-body experience right now. I always wanted to have curves growing up, and now that I have them... and plenty OF them... it is just tough to get used to.
I'm sorry if it seems like I'm complaining a lot, but I guess that's one reason I blog. I've gotta get it out or I'll go crazy!! Tack on the hormonal factor, and I'm sure I am an absolute joy to be around sometimes. Poor Casey. I have cried more in the past 3 weeks than I have in probably the past year or two. I guess that just comes with the territory. For the most part, I have to say that I've been pretty happy so far during the pregnancy. I try to keep myself from worrying too much, for Peanut's sake. I even eat all of my vegetables now! Hell, I even tried to drink a protein shake today for Peanut. YUCK. Banana has a weird texture to begin with, and when you throw it in a shake, it's sort of grainy and very unappealing to me... so Peanut got a few gulps of that before I went back to drinking water. Sorry, kid... I tried!!
I know this will get better, I'm just in a little bit of a slump at the moment. It happens more frequently now when I go shopping because I can't look at the same things I used to. I'm trying to walk frequently so I don't gain weight too quickly and complicate things down the road. Anyway, I realize that all of this is for a good cause, and it will be totally worth it when Peanut is born. I can't help but think, though... if I'm already having trouble now... what's it going to be like in a few months?? I'm going to have my own zip code by the end of this, guys. :-P
Enough complaining for me. I'll probably reread this sometime in the future and laugh at myself... but for now, I'm still on the lookout for cute maternity gear that doesn't make me look like a whale.
1 comment:
I'd be willing to bet that there are some shops with adorable maternity stuff in your area (not the big chains), but then you'd probably have to fork out little Peanut's college savings to pay for 'em ;)
Good luck shopping! I'm keeping my fingers crossed that the stuff I have is stretchy and unstructured enough that I can wear it well into the pregnancy. We'll see!
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