Sunday, August 23, 2009

Work work work...

God forgive me for blogging at work. It is so quiet today (karma's going to get me for saying that) and I'm a little... hate to say it... bored.

Work has changed a lot since I first started in February. The phone calls really started picking up in March, and March-July was pretty crazy. With the addition of 50 agents transferring from the closed Bolingbrook office in May, the phone calls multiplied and the work load was border-line overwhelming. There were times I considered quitting, but decided to stick it out. Now that it's almost the end of August, it's strange to sit here with minimal phone calls and very little paperwork to do.

I am glad I finally got a job. It got depressing the more I applied for jobs and didn't receive any kind of feedback. Being basically stuck in the house with the dog was not ideal, and I got to the point where I didn't want to do anything at all. I get a little nervous about that sometimes, but I don't think it will be possible for me to fall back into that hole once the baby is here. I just have to make sure I make some kind of contact with the outside world, though, so I don't get depressed. I have to be around people!! As much as they drive me nuts sometimes, I realize that I thrive off the company of others. In the words of a character on Office Space, "I'm a people person, dammit!"

The agents here have so many different personalities. So many adjectives come to mind... demanding, clueless, funny, charming, witty, quiet, LOUD!!, hungover (yes, really), awkward, stuck-up, sneaky... the list could go on forever, especially with 150 agents! But I generally like them all. There are a few that I would like to punch in the face every now and then, but I get over that fairly quickly. :)

I should get back to 'work' now. I'll post pics and details about our trip to Shedd Aquarium yesterday... hopefully the pictures turned out!


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