HoLeeeeeey crap, I am tired!!! Casey and I spent a good 3.5 hours today registering for Baby Hetrick. I am happy to say that we narrowed down a theme and have probably all the things we need for Peanut's arrival, give or take a few. Registering in person is a WHOLE lot different than looking around online. For one, you get the awesome gun scanning device that makes everything exciting. The downside is, you can spend hours (as we did) walking around, trying to decide what brand/style/color you want of just about everything. Baby Depot (at Burlington Coat Factory) was much easier than Babies R Us, for the simple fact that we only really focused on the nursery theme there. We did end up putting a few extra items on the list, but did BY FAR the most damage at Babies R Us. I think we over-registered today, but there were times that we got confused as to the right type or brand of item that we scanned both, only to do more research and eliminate one online. And I guess if we space out and happen to get both items, it appears that both stores are flexible with their return policies.

I think we may have lucked out with the theme. Casey and I saw the "Forest Friends" collection at Baby Depot, and liked the colors and characters a lot. Then we went to BRU, and found a similar theme that (for lack of a better term) will branch off well with the other, called "Tree Tops". Both have the same characters in them, but have slightly different room pieces, etc. We registered for the bedding and main items at Baby Depot, then some additional room items at BRU. So, we will hopefully get more for our money that way. Or someone else's money... I guess? Anyway, I really like the theme a lot, and I think it will be easy to find things that aren't necessarily a Carter's brand that will be able to go with it, like teddy bears, owls, turtles, birds, etc. And the theme is about as neutral as you can get these days. Both stores are pretty much geared for parents who know what gender their child is already. For people like us, it is not so easy. But I hope the theme will suit he-nut or she-nut well. :)
I am officially completely worn out. I think I'll spend the rest of the evening kicking my feet up and watching TV.
ADORABLE! I love your theme! Now I'm going to have to stalk your registries and see what we need ;)
I totally agree about finding gender-neutral stuff! It should not be so difficult. Every time I look for stuff online and say neutral all I get is like tan boring junk. I like your stuff because it has color and yet not all blue and pink! So cool.
Thanks!!!! I was sad that it wasn't a turtle or ocean theme at first, but I like it more every time I see it. Love the owls!!!!!
We should come up with our own company and make some of this stuff. I have thought about it several times while trying to find maternity wear, baby clothes, etc. I feel like we are an unrepresented minority right now! "Neutral" does not mean "Boring"!!
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