Sunday, November 15, 2009

Turning 28

I have a lot of thoughts right now so forgive me if I spew them out in random order. I may go back to organize them, but I figure I'm pretty random as it is, so you are probably used to that by now.

This morning I saw a picture of one of our friend's babies on Facebook. This is one of many times Casey and I have looked at each other and one of us has said, "We're going to have one of those!"... almost like it was a new discovery or something. It just always makes me smile. :-D

SO the birthday festivities went well this weekend. Friday I literally spent the entire day cleaning. The best part was, I actually felt good about it. Maybe I have convinced myself that at 28, I should know how to do such things. Then again, I was absolutely exhausted that night when Casey and I went out for my birthday dinner and a movie. The downside was that I still didn't get everything done, so we had to spend part of Saturday cleaning before guests arrived for dinner.

Anyway, it was nice to see the look on Casey's face when he came home and looked around the house. I swept and mopped all the floors. I cleaned windows. I organized cabinets. For once, things were in the places they were supposed to be, and it was nice. I hopped in the shower and was out by the time Case came home. Then I got ready for dinner and Casey gave me my card and gifts. (Sidenote... Casey is awesome about finding the perfect cards. He really seems to have a knack for it. He always gets me 2 cards- one funny, one sentimental. And he did not disappoint.) Case got me tickets to see the 70th anniversary of the Wizard of Oz this Tuesday, so we get another date night during the week!! I'm pretty stoked about that. He also got me the New Moon soundtrack, which I haven't gotten to listen to all the way through yet, but I like what I've heard so far. :)

We then headed out to Wild Tuna, our favorite local sushi restaurant. I was good and stuck with vegetable tempura with udon noodles (although I had 2 bites of sushi with COOKED salmon, thank you very much). It was DELICIOUS. I was sad that I wasn't able to finish it, but I was stuffed by the time we left. Then we ran over to the movie theater, only to find out that the movie we wanted to see had started at 7:30 instead of 7:45. We decided to go get coffee (hot chocolate for me!) and wait until the 9:50 showing of The Men Who Stare at Goats. We sat at the coffee shop and reminisced about the night we met, 11 years ago that night, also on Friday the 13th. It was fun thinking back on those days that seem so long ago. We talked about where we were and where we are now. It's been a fun journey so far, and it's about to get a lot more exciting, which is strange to think about.

Anyway, we ran home for a bit and hung out with Charley, then headed back to the movie. It wasn't as good as I thought it would be- I definitely think The Invention of Lying was much better as far as recent comedies go that I've seen. Not terrible, just a little ridiculous. Then we came home and crashed.

Saturday was spent cleaning and cooking. I managed to make mom's Chicken & noodles, the Hetrick recipe for spinach-artichoke dip, and corn bake, without completely destroying the kitchen or (as far as I know) doing anyone bodily harm. It was really nice to see everyone again. Jenny & Olivier came a little after 4, then Melanie, Eddie, Misael, Aidaris, and Darielis came around the same time. I think Casey and I have managed to see everyone since they moved to IL, but many of them had not seen each other since the move, so it was nice to catch up and get to relax. I played with Darielis as much as possible. She has got to be one of the most adorable kids I have ever seen! She definitely made my night when she toddled over to me and hugged me. :-D During dinner she would reach out to me so I would hold her in my lap or carry her around until she started wiggling and I couldn't hold on anymore. She will be 1 year old next month, but she's only in the 1 percentile as far as growth is concerned, so she is tiny, and very easy to pick up! She is starting to try and talk now, and loves squealing and trying to communicate with everyone around her. Definitely a joy to be around. :)

The night went well, and by the time everyone left, I was pretty much dead to the world. It wasn't even 9 pm but I felt like it was 2 in the morning. So I crashed hard and Casey and I both woke up this morning at around 9:30, which is by far the latest we've slept in in longer than I can remember. It was nice! Peanut didn't even wake me up this morning.. probably because I was too tired to care. Charley only woke me up at 8 to go to the bathroom, but we all went back to sleep. Now Case is getting ready and we're going to go grab breakfast and head to Barnes & Nobel. (Is it Nobel or Noble? Who cares.)

On that note, I should go. I've got some homework to do today, but I'm happy to say that other than doing a little laundry, I don't have to cook or clean today! Yay!!



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