In other good news, yesterday was a great day with Keaton. He decided not to have his 5 o'clock meltdown, and basically had a very happy day in general. Highlight of my day? I heard and saw him LAUGH!!! Just when I think his smiles are too cute, he steps it up a notch and laughs!! I'm not sure what made him laugh about running water in the sink, but I'll do it again and again if it gets that kind of reaction. LOVE IT.
Today has been a fairly good one with him- I think we're getting a handle on this whole reflux thing. This morning went well enough that I decided to take him to Cradle Talk, a group for parents of 0-6 month olds that meets every Wednesday. Before now, things wouldn't work out so that we could go, but today was an exception. Although he ended up getting fussy near the beginning of class and showed everyone that his lungs are working VERY well, it turns out he was hungry so I fed him a bottle and he was good to go. Thank goodness, because even though we were all new moms in the class, it's hard to listen and learn anything with a screaming baby. I actually learned quite a bit today. They have a Mother/Baby nurse that teaches the class, so I learned a better way to burp Keaton (he never wants to burp!) and a few other things that I should have been doing at this point that I didn't know about. I am apparently reinforcing the whole binky thing by putting it back in his mouth whenever he cries, so the nurse said he's old enough to let him just cry it out. He will eventually learn not to need it anymore. I have some work to do to make him sleep in his crib as well. Too many times I've let him fall asleep in my arms, so now I'm supposed to try and put him in his crib when he's sleepy (but not while he's asleep because then he can wake up and get scared about being in a totally different place)... that's hard with a fussy baby who I know will wake up and start crying again, but I need to start reinforcing it so he'll sleep through the night. In general, it was nice to go to a place with other moms and get support. A lot of the ladies today were on their second kids, but they are in the group because their kids are totally different and they aren't sure what to do. I look forward to making this a habit if possible.
Basically this week has gone much better than the last, and Keaton is doing more and more all the time. He is starting to push up with his legs now anytime I'm holding him, which makes feeding interesting because when I try to switch sides, he's bouncing all over the place. I need longer arms, wider shoulders, and a bigger lap. No wonder Casey has a much easier time with some of this stuff (like burping him). I'm doing my best not to be jealous of Casey, but he makes some of this stuff seem so easy! Saturday when I was out taking pictures, apparently Keaton did great, until I got home. Maybe I smell like milk and set him off? I have no idea. All I know is that Keaton is consistent about saving all his smiles for Casey- he even did it this morning when Casey was getting ready for work and we went in the bathroom to say hello- Keaton got a huge grin on his face when he saw Daddy. I'm actually not mad... it's one of the cutest things I've seen him do- I just look forward to the day when he smiles at me, too!
The weather outside is BEAUTIFUL, so I'm going to take the boys outside and enjoy it. It'll be nice for Charley to run around a bit, too. I'm working hard to get both my daytime boys to be happy- now I just have to work on the nighttime one. Just kidding, Casey's doing pretty well. ;)
Gotta go soak up some rays...