In my efforts to be productive at home, I just ran down to the basement to start another load of laundry, and wouldn't you know? The stupid (large) container of laundry detergent fell off the washer and spilled out all over the floor, AGAIN. This is the 2nd time in 4 weeks. You'd think I would learn not to put it on top of the washer when that happens, but nope. Blah. Oh well, looks like I have a fun cleaning job ahead of me sometime today. Luckily there is still some detergent left so we're not totally out, but this is getting to be an expensive habit!
In other news, Charley is driving me nuts. I feel bad saying that, but since the weather is nice, he's standing at the door wanting to go outside constantly! I keep telling him he just went out and needs to stay inside, but 5 minutes later, he's standing at the door again. I don't think he's very happy with me right now anyway. I try to give the guy attention, knowing that he's a little weirded out since I spend virtually all my time with the little screaming boy in my arms. I can't tell if it's the crying that gets to him, or he's just jealous in general. I wish I could split my time up and make him feel like I haven't abandoned him, but it's tough to play with him and give him attention as much as he would like. Luckily Casey spoils him every night when he gets home. I'm excited for the nice weather this weekend because we're planning to go on a family walk around the neighborhood! I think Chuck will cheer up a bit after that, or at least I hope he will...
Yesterday went pretty well in the Keaton department. He ate every 2-3 hours, and stayed awake a decent amount of time during the day. We had some awesome naps together during the afternoon. When Case got home, we decided to go out to a place called The Foundry to watch the KU/KSU game since ESPN decided to be a bunch of jerks and only play the game on pay-per-view. Keaton did great! I of course dressed him up in his Jayhawk attire (thanks to Uncle Daniel!) and he was a perfect angel, until the last 2 minutes of the game. (KU won!) My theory is he is either 1) sad that it was Sherron Collins' last home game, or 2) he's actually a KSU fan like his Daddy. As I said in my Facebook status today, I am going to go with the Sherron thing. :)
While watching the game, we noticed a big group of KU fans in the room. Of course I decided to go talk to them, because I am strange like that (and embarrass Casey on a regular basis because of it). I took my baby Jayhawk down to see them, too, and they all oohhhed and aaahhhhed over him. :-D Turns out they were from Overland Park. The parents graduated from KU, and now they live in Naperville. They have two daughters that are our age. Actually, the mom was a former youth pastor, and the 29 year old daughter is a Para, so they have a decent amount in common with members of our family! They said they frequent The Foundry when KU games are on, so hopefully if KU makes it far in the tournament this year, we'll see them again! They were a really nice group and of course I always enjoy meeting other Kansas people. :)
Well, since Keaton is asleep and I stayed up until 2:15 am with him so Casey could get some rest, I suppose I should try to sleep when he sleeps today. Every time I've done that so far, he's woken up right when my head hits the pillow. (Cue the wailing baby... haha... it never fails!) Time for me to go change a diaper and feed a kid!
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