My favorite picture so far...
Yesterday was by far my best day with Keaton. He decided not to clusterfeed anymore, and allowed me to get almost 4 straight hours of sleep! I was able to shower and get around, then we went to get my hair cut at 11:30. I was pretty anxious about taking him since Casey had always been with me in previous adventures, and I wasn't sure how I would do with a big clunky car seat and stroller by myself. Besides taking forever to leave the house (I got everything together and then couldn't find my stupid keys!), we made it on time to the hair appointment. All the ladies at the salon really enjoyed him, and he was great and slept right through everything, as usual. Then we met up with Casey for lunch, and he did great there, too! We came home, and he was wide awake so we were playing, and he SMILED. It was a genuine, non-gassy smile while I was making faces at him! (He did it again this morning!) Both times I've gotten a little teary-eyed because it was what I had been waiting for and it finally happened! I just can't cry every time he smiles, or he may learn not to do it anymore! ;) He was awake a lot yesterday, and not as fussy. To end the day, Case and I took him out for a St. Patrick's Day dinner last night, and he did great as usual. Then we came home, fed him, and he allowed me to sleep from 11:30 to 3 am, then again until 7! Overall, probably the best day I've had so far. It was very rewarding, productive, and fun. :)
Today the Hetricks are coming for Leslie's spring break, and they should be here sometime this afternoon. Hopefully Keaton will continue to have a good eating/sleeping schedule so we can run around town with everyone. I enjoy his new habit of eating every 4 hours and sleeping more at night.. I know it won't always be like this, but I love that it has been the past few nights! :)
I guess that's all for now. I'll update more this weekend!
SMILES! That is awesome. I know I'll cry when Evelyn gives me a real one :)
Yesterday was our first time out with just me and her as well and I'm still amazed at how long it takes to get ready to go! I had everything packed and ready, put her in the carseat, and then realized that I left something that I had to have inside the house. So, unbuckle all the straps, unlock the door while balancing Evelyn, get the papers, and back to the car to fight the carseat! Sheesh!
Yay for a good day!
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