Well, I really slacked this month. I hate doing "catch up" blogs, but the last week or so has been significant. I'll try to give you the highlights...

Keaton started crawling on Friday, December 17th, and has been inch-worming himself around ever since. He didn't get much practice while we were in Topeka, but he got a lot of practice walking with various family members. He prefers to stand now and gets ticked when we sit him down. If he has something to stand up against it's fine, but when he wants to stand up against me, it really wears me out! Probably because he loves to bounce when he stands, too... man. Fun things to come... I think.
He's on his 5th tooth now. It's super close to breaking through, and he's been really fussy today, so I wouldn't doubt that it'll break the skin by this evening. Five teeth since September. The kid's been busy!

Christmas was great, but it went way too fast. On our way to Topeka, right before the state line between IL and MO, we hit a coyote. It ran out in front of the car, and although Casey tried to avoid it, it hit my right front tire and ended up spinning around in the tire guard (which completely broke off the car), killing it. Thankfully it didn't kill our car and we were able to keep going, but it cost over $1300 to get fixed when we were in Topeka, and we had to borrow vehicles from our families to get around. Luckily we had nice weather- it was in the 30s and 40s all week, so we avoided the junk we had last Christmas. At least we didn't get the blizzard that the East coast got recently! We really lucked out.

Keaton THOROUGHLY enjoyed Christmas. He especially liked the gift tags and bows, and ripping off the wrapping paper. He has so many toys now, I think we should start adding a room to the house just for his stuff. He racked up, though... clothes, tons of toys, books... not bad at all for his first Christmas! We got to see the majority of both families, but of course we could have used a few more days to see everyone we wanted to. As usual, our schedule was pretty packed, and I tried to take naps whenever Keaton did so I could get through it all. I think that worked, for the most part. Casey was great and would take Keaton around 6 in the morning and allow me to sleep a little longer, especially when Keaton didn't sleep well at night. It happened a few times and I was always thankful for the extra sleep.
Casey and I had a great Christmas, too. He got me a wide-angle lens for my camera, which we put to good use during our time in T-town. We also got a waterproof digital camera that's small, and I look forward to using that at swimming lessons! Casey got some equipment for his computer which he wanted, and is now busy trying to upgrade our home computer (I donated some money to him, too, so he could get a few extra things he wants and because I had no idea what to get him this year... I don't really understand much of what he talks about when it comes to computers, but he's excited about it, and that's all that matters to me!)
Other highlights of the trip include: Seeing my Dad in White Christmas.. he did a terrific job!! He said he only had a few lines, but he really stole the show. I am really glad the held the show over so we were able to see him- it was definitely worth it. Great job, Pops!!

I also saw family members this year that I don't normally see, which was a nice change from the norm. We went to my cousin's house in Lawrence on Monday night, and Keaton was the center of attention. He loved playing with his older cousin Miles, and I have funny video of Keaton basically tackling Miles and cuddling with him. He loved flirting with Ashlynn and Christy, and enjoyed taking pictures of himself with Ashlynn's iPhone. On Wednesday I got to see my cousin Jessika and meet her 3 children! The oldest was still in the womb when I saw Jess last, at our wedding... now she's six! Time goes too fast. I really enjoyed spending time with the kids, and Keaton loved all the attention. He loved it so much, in fact, that he decided to start SCREAMING when he wasn't happy about something. As I predicted, that behavior has gone away now that we're home. I was getting a little worried- I'm not really sure how to handle that type of behavior right now! How do you discipline a 10 month old? Advice is welcome.
Hmmm...what else. I got to see my girls Sara and Lindsey, have lunch with Jeremy, and saw Kyle and his family as well! It was a nice, brief trip home, and it's hard to believe we've been back for 2.5 days already. Back to the snow... back to the grind. Although I'm tired, I wish we could have stayed home longer. Oh well, there's always next time.
That's all I have the energy to write about right now. Keaton's napping and I think I might, too. Again. :)
Hetrick Family Christmas, 2010 |
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