Wednesday, January 12, 2011

11 months

Keaton, now officially 11 months old, is taking a nap right now. Thank goodness. And while I should be doing laundry/dishes/etc., I decided to blog. Priorities, right? I know. But I find myself totally worn out after Keaton's swimming lesson this morning (which may be more of a workout for me than him). I'm also at a loss of what to make for dinner this evening, so blog it is.

The night before last was no bueno. Keaton is apparently getting another tooth... that makes 7. I think. It could be 8 now- he's really an overachiever in that department, yet I'm lucky if I can peek in his mouth now- he's pretty skeptical of anything going that direction. But anyway, he woke up once every 1 to 1.5 hours on Monday night. I was so exhausted yesterday that I didn't get dressed until almost 5 p.m., to which I thought, 'What is the point?'... it's amazing how much better you can feel by just changing clothes, though. I need to keep that in mind when I have a day where I can't get motivated. Last night was much better- he only woke up once, to eat. That's fairly normal for him. I still miss the days of getting even 6 straight hours of sleep, though. Okay, enough whining.

I can't believe he's 11 months old. I'm not sure how many times I've said that I can't believe he'll be one next month, but really, it's true. I got his owl-themed party invitations in the mail on Monday, and sent them out today. We have most of the party details ready, and look forward to our families coming up for the big event. I found some super cute Owl cupcakes that I'm going to attempt to make as well. Here's a pic of what I want to do- whoo (get it? whooo?) knows if they'll turn out like this at all. (Lame joke... but you're used to it.) I hope my decorating skills come into play and they turn out as cute as the ones in the picture.

I have a bit of a love/hate relationship with this age and stage right now. The good parts: He is starting to be able to communicate well, and can usually let me know what he wants pretty quickly. He's much more mobile, and can play by himself a lot of the time (unless he's really fussy, in which case he prefers to be in my lap, or at least holding onto me while he stands up). He LOVES swimming, and especially splashing in the water. He is learning to push off the wall (head above water, of course), and last week he even tried blowing bubbles, which was so cute! He really enjoys feeding himself, and actually gets frustrated when he's not able to now (if we don't have finger food and he has to eat from a spoon). He's starting to nap a bit longer, especially in the afternoons. Yay! On the other hand, some things are a bit more difficult: He's becoming very opinionated and independent. He doesn't like to sit in one place for long, and tries to roll off things: the changing pad, bed, or couch are his favorite. He thinks it's a game (esp. w/Daddy) and he nearly gives me a heart attack every time the tries it. He thinks it's funny when I say "No!", especially when he throws food or toys out of his high chair. He's very attracted to things he shouldn't be, like cords, electrical outlets, computers, etc. Typical curious kid. I think the hardest part right now is learning how to discipline him at this age. I think it's tougher on me than it is on him.

The nice part is, this is just a stage. It will pass, and the next one will have plenty of new and exciting (scary) things that come with it. It is nice to know so many other Moms that are going through this as well. We will get through it! I will try not to get so overwhelmed, and try to ask for help more often if I get that way. Hopefully the next month will bring more sleep, more words, less teething troubles, the use of a sippy cup, and maybe a few independent steps. Whoo knows what else. ;)


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