30 Day Photo Challenge, Day 9: A photo of yourself when you were a baby

Grandma Billings and I. I'm not sure how old I was in this one, but I'm guessing ~1 month. I am starting to see a resemblance between Keaton and I when I look at pictures of myself as a child. I wonder if he'll have curly hair like I did?
This morning we had swimming lessons. Keaton was tired, but he still had a blast in the pool. All he wants to do is splash now when he's in the water, which makes it hard for people to want to stand next to us because everyone gets wet, if he has his way! I took a shower yesterday, but last night when I was giving Keaton a bath I basically got another one... he splashes constantly and wouldn't stop until I gave him a toy to distract him for a moment or two. It's hard to bathe a kid when you keep getting water in your face! He also keeps pulling himself up on the side of the tub, so I have to be extra careful with him and make sure he's got a good grip. Needless to say, maybe I should wait until after his bath before I take a shower, because I got soaked pretty well in the process. I should have taken a picture of myself last night after his bath... I looked like a wet dog. Second thought, maybe it's good that I didn't... haha...
Poor Casey got home around 11 last night. I'm glad he didn't have to pull an all-nighter, but it's still too bad that he had to stay so late. This morning when he got up for work, Keaton woke up, too. We hung out with Casey as he got ready to leave, and helped make his breakfast, etc. Keaton enjoyed seeing him, and couldn't really figure out why he had to leave again. When Casey was about to walk out the door, Keaton squeaked "HI!" and reached out to him. I know that made it harder for him to leave, because he came back in and hugged Keaton one more time. I think it's going to be even harder when he learns to say "Bye bye" or if he starts to get upset when one of us has to leave. And Casey knows he'll get an excited "HI!" when he comes back home tonight... that probably makes it worth it.
Not much else is going on here. I am ready for the weekend again... which seems sad since I don't go to work or anything. It's just nice to have Casey home, and to enjoy time as a family. I look forward to days when Case actually gets to relax and not think about work. Hopefully his current project will go better than it has been lately, and he won't have to be at work babysitting equipment or running tests. It's almost like Grad school again right now- I know he is really stressed. It would be great if things start slowing down soon and he is able to take a little bit of a break.
I'm in another writing slump today, so I think I'll end for now. Sounds like Keaton is going to wake up soon anyway- he slept for at least an hour after swimming... YAY! His naps seem to be longer these days, which is nice. I just need to take more advantage of the time I have, which is hard to do after swimming because it wears me out, too! More later, of course. :)
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