Tuesday, June 7, 2011

My Talkative Tike

Life has been super busy lately. I don't even know where to start! I guess I'll start where I left off, with the dog search. We have put it to a hault right now because we found out that the starting price for an Invisible Fence is over $600. Tack on the $300 adoption fee, and we have spent a lot more money than we had planned. So, looks like we will put the search on hold for a little while, especially since there are a few details about Casey's job that are currently up in the air. I won't get into detail, but something is going to change probably sooner than later, so we don't know what all that will mean for us. Of course I'll update whenever I find anything out that is noteworthy. :)

Casey, Keaton and I just got back from a trip home for my parents' 50th wedding anniversary. The trip went way too fast, and now we're back home, trying to get settled in again. Traveling always seems to screw up our sleeping habits around here, so I've been trying to get Keaton back into his nap habit, among other things. He's had some tummy troubles since the night before we left for Kansas. He got sick 3 times that night, and I was up with him from about 12:30-3:30 in the morning. I had to wake Casey up to help me clean up his bed sheets, change his pajamas, and then clean up the crib. Shortly after cleaning him up and laying him down, the whole thing happened again. It wasn't as bad as the first time, but we went through another set of sheets and more pajamas. I still don't know what was wrong, but he's been eating less and having and upset tummy every day, especially at night. I don't think there's anything new that we're feeding him for dinner that is causing it, but we'll see how tonight goes. This morning, he woke up just before 6 a.m., and I had to put him in the bathtub first thing because he had a blowout. I think that's enough of that topic... you can only talk about poo for so long before people stop listening. I get it.

In other news, he's been talking a TON lately, especially when we were home! He said something that sounded like "Grandpa". Here's another list of words he says on a regular basis now... probably some repeats from the last list, but who's keeping track?
  1. Pooh (as in Winnie the ....)
  2. bubble (buhbuh)
  3. down (daun!)
  4. up
  5. no (there's no mistaking this one!)
  6. something that sounds like "airplane" (ahh-peen)
  7. something that sounds like "grandpa" (gah-pa)
  8. boat (bow!)
  9. O (as in Cheerio)
  10. owl - he saw one at a toy store in Lawrence and pointed at it, saying "Owl!" (sounds more like Ow)
  11. Go
  12. baby
  13. shoe (sounds a little bit like the s-word if you don't know what he's talking about... LOL)
  14. doggie
He is such a talker!! Most people don't really believe that he's saying all this stuff, but I have witnesses! He is really good at trying to show me what he wants if I don't get it. And I normally don't. :-P

Anyway, I guess that's all for now. I'm making lasagna tonight (yes that's right, I'm actually cooking...) and staying indoors because it is incredibly hot outside... not to mention I am nursing a weird looking sunburn from our trip to the lake with the Hetricks on Sunday. We reapplied sunscreen, but apparently we forgot my shoulders and the back of my neck... I have little weird circles of red on them now. I should also mention it was worth it, though, because I got to go tubing for the first time! (Behind a boat, at least... there was that terrible incident in Columbia when we went floating down the river on tubes and I flew out multiple times and bruised my back, in addition to getting a pretty bad sunburn. Doh!) Anyway, we had a great time at the lake, and look forward to going back July 4th weekend.

More later,


1 comment:

Lilli O said...

Aww sorry for Keaton being sick. Seems like every baby has something going on now. Hope hes doing better...soon! Cant believe hes saying all those words! Thats amazing!