Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Down for the Count

Keaton is finally asleep for the evening, so now I have some free time on my hands. I figured that I could spend one night uploading photos/video from both cameras and my phone, so I should have a decent amount on Flickr very very soon. It is way too hot to go outside and chat with the neighbors, so I will hermit myself in the house for an evening. Or two. :)

This morning I saw that it was 86 degrees outside, but the heat index made it feel like 102. Really? I'm not sure how that works, but that was before 10 a.m... YUCK. Kansas is getting hit pretty hard, too. It's tough because of course my child only wants to go outside and play with bubbles. Seriously, I told my parents recently that if I had a nickel for every time he has said "bubble" recently, he'd have a pretty good start on his college education fund. Bubbles, Melmo, and Wah Wah, followed closely by Mama and Go. He cracks me up and really knows what he wants, and will not hesitate to say it over... and over... and over... until you distract him or give in. (I try hard to distract first and give in only occasionally, otherwise he will learn to play me like a fiddle!) Oh, and his favorite snacks are "Jel-do" and "Goga" (jello and gogurt).

Speaking of words, today I took him to Barnes and Noble because I wanted to get a Scrabble Dictionary. I have been playing Words with Friends (the internet version of Scrabble) lately and I find that there are so many times I have the letters q, x, z, or v and I have to wrack my brain to come up with words for them. I figured a little studying wouldn't hurt. Then there are the people I have played in the past who definitely cheat... you can always tell who they are when every word they play is something like "xylyl" or "ywis". Who the hell knows what those are? And if you do, I mean really do, then don't play me. I feel like an idiot. LOL...

Anyway, while we were at B&N, we just happened to be there right before Storytime started. I used to take Keaton before he got super mobile and wouldn't sit still for more than a few minutes. I was reminded of why we don't go anymore as he wiggled out of my lap and ran up to the little 'stage' where Megan, the B&N employee and storytime hostess, was reading to the kids. Keaton decided it would be fun to run around with another little boy who was 19 months old, and the two took turns walking up and down one of the big steps on the stage. Trouble is, we are still working with Keaton on going up and down stairs (which would help if we actually had some in our house, besides the wooden ones in the basement that we don't play on), but when he saw the 19 month old step up and down it without a problem, he decided to try it out himself. All I could do, short of chasing him around the stage, was sit back and hold my breath. And that's exactly what I did until he fell down and smacked his head on the floor. Luckily he did not get hurt, or cry, but it was still a nerve-wracking situation all the way around. Boys will be boys, right? I wish parenthood came with either a book (i.e. Parenthood for Dummies) or some free anxiety medication.

The kid was super tired and a little cranky when we left B&N, so I figured he'd come home and take a nice nap for me. That was at 11:30 a.m. He didn't actually take a nap until 1:45 this afternoon. I should also mention that he woke up at 4:30 this morning! He has had some really strange sleep habits lately, I assume because his darn teeth are being so mean to him. I hope the final 4 come in quickly and we can get this part over with!

I guess that's about all for one day. On to edit photos...


Turns out there were more videos than pics this time- check out YouTube.

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