Wednesday, July 13, 2011

More Keat

Newest Keaton words/phrases/activities, etc.:
  1. Tyler (Ty-lah)... our neighbor who is 6 months older than Keaton
  2. Peek-A-Boo- I forget how he says it, but you can tell what he means. He loves to jump out from behind a curtain or peek out from where ever he's hiding and say it... I need video!
  3. Peaches- he now says it clear as day
  4. Cat- previously it sounded more like "Ca" (which is also his word for 'car', so it was nice to hear that distinct T at the end. He saw a cat yesterday at the Farmer's Market and became instantly obsessed.
  5. Cracker (cah cah). I think I wrote about this one previously, but today he was having a meltdown because I wouldn't give him a pacifier, so I started showing him videos of himself on YouTube. We got to the one with the graham cracker, and he stood up, said, "Cah cah" and led me to the pantry. Kid knows what he wants!
  6. Back (Bat)... he found this little plastic tool you use to massage your back, and I showed him what it was for. Now he will say, "Bat" and rub my back with it. While I feel guilty and almost as if I'm crossing some sort of child labor law line... it still feels good and I'm not going to tell him to stop if he wants to. LOL.
  7. Sweep (Seet)- he loves to sweep and he always tries to grab the broom whenever he sees it. Again with the child labor thing... but he WANTS to! I'm not going to stop him!
Looks like I'll have to cut this one short, as little guy is standing up in his crib right now, sweetly saying, "Mama... mama." One more thing, though- he figured out how to climb up on the couch today. He used one of his other toys to do so, but I have a feeling our little Curious George is about to start making this a habit. Oh boy.


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