Thursday, August 4, 2011

Cooling off

It has finally cooled off in Chicagoland. I think the high the rest of the week into next week is supposed to be in the mid to low 80s, which sounds like perfect summer weather to me. This has been a weird season, mainly because it was cooler and wet in the beginning, and now it is just too bloomin' hot. I remember long winter days when we were stuck in the house, and now I will think of the long summer days when we're stuck because it's too hot to go outside. Poor Keaton just wants to play with his bubbles. (All the time.) I dread winter, but I wouldn't mind if Fall made an appearance sooner than later, as long as it stuck around for awhile.

That makes me think of Halloween... I would normally have already thought about it in more detail, but this year is a little off. If Casey gets/accepts the job in Ohio, we will be moving by October 1st, which means we would be in a totally different place for Halloween. I guess I don't want to think too much about that right now, because there is nothing I can do about it... just wait and find out what's going on. I hate being in limbo... I feel less motivated than normal. (That's almost scary!)

Now it's time for Keaton's Words of the Week:
  1. Scott (Cot)
  2. Mike
  3. Robin (Rah-Bi)
  4. Milk (Moke)... I think he's been saying this for a few weeks now, but not sure if I mentioned it before.
  5. Jello sounds more like "Jel-Do" now and less like... dildo. LOL...
  6. Please (Pees)
  7. Thank You (Tah Kah)
  8. Sorry (Sah-he)
  9. Block
  10. Phone (Fon)
  11. Money (I guess you can't learn that one too early, right?)
  12. Bambi (mam-ee)
I know there has to be more. Really, he tries to repeat everything, so I should try to write this down when Casey and I are having a conversation, or when I'm on the phone, if that were possible. Earlier this week, I asked him to sing a song. I love asking him this because he gets his 'song voice' and starts singing inaudible things, but occasionally you'll hear "Melmo" or "Mama" or "Dada". It is too cute! And somewhere thrown in there are letters- E and I seem to be his favorites. When I ask him to sing the ABCs, it normally sounds like, "B... I... E... C... O..." or some combination of things. Love that kid... he is hilarious.

Speaking of him, he's taking a good nap right now, and we are supposed to meet my friend Kelley at the park at noon. Not sure how that is going to happen at this point, but I would rather have him sleep since he was wide awake at 5:15 this morning! I guess it worked out well, because we had to take Casey in to work since he hit a deer on the way in yesterday morning. His car is getting fixed, and insurance is paying for a rental, so I guess this was our first and last morning taking him in.

Little man is up now... gotta go!


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