Sunday, September 25, 2011

Mommy & Fangs

This weekend went so fast, I really don't know what the heck happened... I am trying to think about what we even did this weekend. And wouldn't you know, I am right smack in between two very long weeks where Casey is doing training activities at work, and working late nights. We have been so spoiled the last few months- he'd been home by at least 4:30 every night. I will get through this week... I will I will I will.

A few things to note about the last week: My sister-in-law Leslie got engaged on Wednesday night! I can finally called Mitch "Uncle Mitch" soon! We are so excited for them!!

Speaking of new names, Keaton decided, almost one year to the day that he started saying "mama", that he would graduate me to "Mommy" this weekend!! He just started calling Casey "Daddy" in the last week, too. I can't help but smile whenever he says it. :) Heck, I even smile when I hear him say "Daddy"! When I ask him, "Where is Keaton?" he now points to himself! He also attempts to say "Trick or Treat" which sounds like "tee teet", and can kind of say Yoda... I figured it would be good for him to know who he is going to be for Halloween. :) I ordered our costumes yesterday. Then I just need to make a light saber for Keaton out of glow sticks... wow, I'm a huge nerd. And... no one is shocked by this epiphany.

Keaton also gained his two upper canine teeth in the last week, which would explain why the week was soooooo long! He was pretty moody a lot of the week. Hopefully the bottom two will come in soon, and then we'll just have the 2 year molars to look forward to (ha, right!) and we'll be done.

Speaking of done, I thought I had more to write, but alas, it's 8:30 and I need to read some more Biology before I sleep. More later!


Oh, I totally forgot!! I got a B on my first Bio test!!! That is quite a bit higher than I expected. THANK GOODNESS. I am still frustrated with class, but that makes it a bit better. :)

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