Saturday, March 3, 2012

Second Year Stats & School Stresses

Keaton went in for his 2 year check-up last week. Shocker-- he's short. He's 33 1/4 inches now, which feels pretty tall to me, but then I'm the size of a 4th grader so I really don't think that counts for much. We also need to work on beefing the kid up, because when we weighed him at the office, he was 22.5 lbs. That is less than he weighed at one of this previous sick visits, and this is after he's had 3-4 meals before naptime on a pretty regular basis! Apparently the kid inherited a ridiculously high metabolism, which hopefully isn't a curse for him as it is for some people. He's eating better and more now than he ever has (as in, he's is less picky), so I'm not entirely sure why he's not gaining any weight. Maybe it's the fact that he wants to "go go" all the time... I'm sure that has something to do with it! Anyway... I'm not going to lose any sleep over it. He's a toddler, and he's definitely not starving himself by any means! He steals my food half the time!

I almost forgot-- last Tuesday, he went #1 in the potty at school for the first time!!! We were so proud of him, we took him out for pancakes that night. I've been trying to work with him more at home, and sit him on the potty more frequently now so he can try to do it again. So far we haven't had luck, but I know he's thinking about it. Tonight I took off his diaper and let him run around with just sweat pants on so he could feel what it was like if he did go (knowing that the chances of him going #2 were very minimal... otherwise I doubt I would have tried it!). He did end up peeing, but he realized it right away, and that's the idea I was going for this time. I also bought him some 'big boy' underware and have them sitting out where he can see them. When I change his diaper, I talk to him about the underware and how he will get to wear them when he starts using the potty. I figure that, like the pacifier, it will click one of these days. He still tells me that he gave the pacifier to Santa for other babies, so I know he understands how the system can work. I understand that most boys take longer to potty train, so we're definitely not rushing into anything yet, but it doesn't hurt to get it into regular conversation. As Keaton would tell you, he is getting to be such a "big boy"!

In other news, I am currently working on a project for Intermediate photography that is really intimidating me. It is funny that for a long while I thought I wanted to do portrait photography, but now that I am assigned and have one week to take 4 different photos, I am stuck. I'm not allowed to take any pictures of Keaton, animals, significant others, etc. Today I went to my friend Kelley's house to take some pictures of her son Nolan, and I haven't gotten to look at them yet, but hopefully one will work out. Poor guy was tired and not feeling very well, not to mention the fact that Keaton was with me because Casey couldn't watch him, so I almost feel like I created chaos for Kelley and her husband by going over there. I have a few more sittings on Monday with a few friends and their children, so hopefully those will turn out fine and I will have a nice variety. I look at people who inspire me (especially Jessica Jill- check out her blog in the "Blogs I Stalk" column, she is AMAZING!) and they make it look so easy... I hope I can do even a fraction of what she and other photographers who specialize in portrait photography do. We will see! I am going to try not to stress so much over it, though... it's just one class. Hopefully it'll be more fun than work and I can rediscover my desire for it again.

I guess that's about it for now. Tomorrow De is flying in to stay with us for a week while Casey is in the UK. It should be a fun and busy week!


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