Thursday, March 15, 2012

Potty Time!!!

Yay, an entry about going to the bathroom! But when it's your two year old and he goes twice in eight hours, it's time to celebrate and tell the world about it! (I wonder if he'll read this years from now and wonder why the heck his mom wrote in and blog (and of Facebook) about his trips to the toilet... but I'm a proud Mommy!!)

Last night was a very late night with Mr. K. In fact, he didn't actually fall asleep until almost 9 p.m.. He didn't want to eat what we made for dinner, so Casey and I spent quite a chunk of time trying to convince him to eat a few things, and he refused. Casey finally said, "If you eat this, we will go play at the park." Actually a very good and convincing idea, had it not been 7 p.m. already. But Keaton complied, and we headed to the park. We played for a bit, then came home, fed him a little more, and got him ready for bed.

Our normal nightly routine includes Keaton's love of procrastination: Multiple drinks of water, pleading to read one more book, begging to rock longer and/or rub his back more. Lately, though, he's asked to use the potty. We will sit in there for 5-10 minutes, and nothing will happen. But last night, it did. We praised him a ton, and then finally got him to bed. Then at 3 a.m. this morning, he woke me up to tell me he had to go again. And he DID. I am so proud of him! I know there is probably a long road ahead with this, but the fact that he's actually more aware of what's going on now is a huge step. We are still waiting for him to figure out how to go #2, but this is such a good start!!

So yay, potty training is in effect. I really have no clue what I'm doing, I just hear that you are supposed to be super patient (Hear that Ashley... patience!!!!!!) and consistent. Two things I definitely need work on, but a good time to practice. I can't believe how quickly Keaton is growing up!

What else... hmmmm. The weather this week has been nothing short of amazing, and we spent almost the entire day yesterday outside. We walked with my friend Janine and her son Dawson in the morning in downtown Naperville, and then we went walking yesterday with Kelley and her friend- almost 3 miles. After that and going to the park last night, I was absolutely exhausted. I actually feel pretty good today and am surprised by the amount of energy I have, but then, this weather makes me super happy!! I am ready to start working on all the photography projects I have due in the next few weeks. "Midterms" were this week (which we don't really have in my major, thank goodness!) and then we are going to hit the ground running until mid-May when school is out. We are trying to figure out something to do for Spring Break the first week of April. While we would love to go to SC, the timing just isn't working out right now, and it's a bit pricey this time of year. Heck, even a trip to downtown Chicago for a few days would be nice... I just need to break up the monotony of being at home!

My bridesmaid dress came in yesterday for Leslie's wedding... I am excited! This will be the first wedding I will have been in since my own (almost 9 years ago)! I am ready to go home in June.

I think that's about it for now... that's plenty. So much going on- life is super busy, but it's motivating me to actually get things done. For once! More later!!


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