Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Dumb Pregnancy Moment #2

I was attempting to boil water on the stove. Turned on the burner, left the room. After almost 10 minutes, I went back to check on the water. I was stumped because it was not even bubbling. Then I realized I put the pot of water on the front burner, but turned on the back. Awesome.

The first time happened a few months back when I walked into the bathroom and turned on the water so I could wash my face. I decided to let it run for a minute to warm up... then apparently I got distracted, because I walked back in the bathroom at least 5-10 minutes later and the water was still running.

So in general, my pregnancy is bad for the environment.

LOL.. on a lighter note, I went in for my triple screening exam (for birth defects) today, which required a blood test. Normally this would not be on my 'lighter note' list as I absolutely hate needles, and freak out every time I have to have blood taken... but Casey decided to surprise me and drive all the way across town so he could be there with me. I almost cried when he walked into the waiting room. He is amazing and I need to definitely let him know that on a more regular basis. :)

The test went well (although I won't know about any results for a few days). We also got to hear the baby's heartbeat again today! This time it was 148 bpm. The next appointment is on October 13th when we have the 20 week sonogram! :) I look forward to seeing Peanut again!!

That's all for today!


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

you crack me up! i have a few dumb pregnancy moments, i may just have to blog them out too!! I also am very much looking forward to october 13th!! that is our next appt too..hehe...