Thursday, November 5, 2009

Ain't that a kick in the head?

About 6 months ago, this huge jerk of an attorney came into Baird & Warner and (VERY long story short) made me cry. He was by far the biggest a$$hole I have ever dealt with before. He got kicked out of our office and is never allowed to come back based on his conduct in the office (thank you Naperville Police!!). So this morning as I'm driving back from class, I look over to see him right next to me, in his ugly orange Camero. Anger instantly welled up inside me, and I had to step back and keep my road rage in check. We ended up driving down Rt 59 for quite awhile, almost side by side, and kept pulling up next to each other. He never looked at me (I know this because I was glaring at him whenever my eyes weren't on the road) but I DID catch him picking his nose. That made me happy. :) The only thing that could have made it better is if I could have seen him get pulled over or something. Anyway... I hold grudges too much. I have to just know that Karma is a b*tch and someday he will get back what he gives to everyone around him. It still would have been funny, though... haha...

Not much is going on other than that. I went to class the last 2 times, then realized when I got there that I didn't need to be there at all. Our teacher was out of town today so we had a sub, and we have 3 lab periods in a row... our next assignment isn't due until next Thursday. This sucks for me because I actually go to class when they aren't taking attendance, and drive all the way out there even though I don't need to because I have Photoshop at home. So next week is the one time I actually DO need to go to lab to print some things for our next assignment. If I would have read my notes, I would have known that I could have basically taken this week off of class and still been fine. OH well... hindsight is 20/20... not the first time I've said that this week.

In Peanut news, I asked Casey to try to put his head on my tummy and see if he could hear Peanut moving around, and Peanut kicked him in the head!! LOL.. I kind of thought that might happen beforehand, but it was funny that it actually did.

That's all for now. I have work this afternoon, then I have tomorrow and the weekend off. Yay!! We're going to register sometime this weekend!! I'm kind of excited... I know it's going to be a long process, but it'll be fun to actually make some decisions about the baby's room and everything. Things are slowly starting to get done!!



1 comment:

Chimpsea said...

Hahaaaa he got kicked in the head! It's different when it's just little movements and not full-on kicks yet to play the listening game :) Could he hear anything I wonder what it sounds like. I want to borrow a stethescope from someone and listen to my belly.

I'm glad you saw the jerk picking his nose. What a tool. I bet he wiped it on the seat. Disgusting.

Have fun registering! Oh I was also going to say, if you are getting a breast pump look into your health insurance before you buy because lots of them cover them at like 50% if you order through the insurance company!